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Mac Miller-Ladders

Celne Dion and Andrea Bocelli- The Prayer



Shia played the role of Padre Pio in that movie and that was his conversion to Catholicism, weird shit, Padre Pio was apparently locked down by the church and made to live in seclusion because his saint powers were too popular, he could apparently levitate, appear in two places at once, he could preform Transubstantiation among other legendary abilities, the church did not approve of this and locked him up. of course hollywood is using Shia to retcon the truth about this medieval saint.


Nephilim Death Squad podcast Check it out brothers


This podcast and conspiracy social club are the only two content creators I’ve ever given dollars to… please pump out more and I’ll donate more. Thnx


WarMode- love you guys. HOWEVER: Try treating the podcast like a job! You don’t work, you don’t get paid! I’m going to have to UNSUBSCRIBE. May become a member again if you all start putting out new content….

Ned Nice

That was definitely Diplo & MIA.. Diplo got his start throwing the Hollertronix parties in Philly and used to make a living selling rare records (psych rock, soundtracks, etc.)


Mac miller to start is deadly


I saw Mia close big day out on the gold coast in 2010/11. Tool, Iggy pop, Snoop dog, Pearl Jam, Tame impala and 6 tabs haha what a day


long live the mac

Kelsey Christianson

Spud I want to honor and respect you. Let me be your maiden


Yo Billy, I get where you are coming from but I want to point one thing out. Look up the scientific definition of “theory”. In science terms it means a 100% guaranteed thing, not like regular definition of theory where it’s an idea/guess. For example the gravitational theory/cell theory Love the cast


Way too stoned for the closer Celne Dion drop. Money cast though