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Lamont Dozier- Breaking Out All Over

Mk.Gee - You



Finally a classic wholesome racist pod. Been waiting for this my whole life. I pay for Tim Dillion paytch Matt and Shane’s and war mode and so far war modes the only one with balls big enough to drop Ns left and right. Only pod to call out the Jew for who they are


Droid hunter 88


Even if this was a good ep what would that even be? Just a bunch of jumbled uncited shit about 9 i i , not a notepad to read out loud off of just a couple bullet points they can't even remember. This is shit I wish I could get my last 25 bucks back, could've bought a gallon of gas or a soda or something


Bismallah the lord have giveth

David Eric Ricketts

I’m happy these boys aren’t trapped in blue collar hell any longer. They found a way out of that matrix. We can too.


Dudes gotta buckle down for a year and produce some solid consistent content. They’re one degree away from Rogan, locking up some no-debt living for life. I am a gay fed.


Great free ep, but posting Israel-9/11 conspiracies in the current climate will eventually get the cast banned. Especially when posted off the patreon

Coinberg Goldenstein

Not even 6 mins in in the free ep and Bill starts talking about gay jail cellmates and hitting the gym 🤔🧐


Billy’s “swolemate” app idea is Grindr. Billy, you are gay.


Spud is warmode. Bill is dead


Let’s gooooooo


Can you guys please put Tom McCusker back on the cast. Thank you


Obviously – everyone can believe what they want even if it’s bullshit. That said, I believe if you boys dug a bit deeper or held off the “Jewish Conspiracy” notions, you’d get a more fleshed-out view of reality. You guys refer to the “Balfour Declaration” like it was a done deal, probably because it involves Rothschild. Truth is, as is often the case, the Rhodes Round Table, Fabian Socialists actively screwed over the Jews and the Arabs in the land carve-up there. Brits basically promised stuff to the Jews, in part due to Zionists in England and Rothschild’s influence, but they also promised shit to the A-rabs if the A-rabs would help take down the lingering control of the Ottoman Empire/Caliphates. Later, the Grand Mufti helped the nazis with the “Final Solution” – see ties between the Muslim Brotherhood and the nazis. Spud brings up Kim Philby as spy in Britain’s MI6, well Kim’s father, Harry St John Bridger Philby (look him up you lazy fucks) was a Brit spy and an admitted socialist, who, along with T.E. Lawrence (the “Lawrence of Arabia”) helped orchestrate the political divisions and carve up of power in the post-Ottoman Empire nations. Lawrence helped an Arab revolt and St John Philby basically created the current day Saudi kingdom. So, like in much of the world, the Anglo-American interests had a large, deep state influence on all of it. This is not to say Israel or Mossad or ultra-far right Israelis didn’t fuck around too, they did and often in a way of self-defense – I’m just saying it’s not as easy as “Israel was given land by Britain and fucked the Palestinians” that’s largely bullshit and much, much more complex. Also see the The Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916, which was kept secret from the Israelis and Arabs. Again, you have to think of the larger, globalist interests and their manipulations, like pitting one side violently against another to create constant tension and the need for intervening forces. I’ve dropped some knowledge in the Paytch comments about 9/11 too (that you can look up) – “Dancing Israelis” isn’t quite what it’s been made out to be (e.g. yeah two were Mossad agents or former agents, but why would they be dumb enough to celebrate something when there’s evidence that Mossad had been tipping off U.S. national security agencies well before 9/11?) Believe what you want, but realize a lot of the stories are to have you behave like useful idiots.


Oh yeah, and wikileaks, Spud's said before that they went after Assange so hard because there was something to do with child/human trafficking in Haifa. Turns out Netanyahu actually helped Assange release Wikileaks. This doesn't mean Bibi=good guy, but it could mean that certain deep state actors in Mossad/Israel might be involved in shit that Netanyahu is against, like child/human trafficking (just like the CIA, our deep state does the same shit). This is why the left wing factions in Israel have been trying to get rid of Bibi with color revolutions, a fight of judicial reforms that takes away some power of their supreme court (they were in a position where the Israeli supreme court was more powerful in some respects than the PM). There's a reason why Soros hates Israel and Netanyahu.



K Furr

Jesus finally! I know you all dont give a fuck it’s obvious but i was about to cancel due to zero content


Eh, imho the weird thing is guys like you making comments like this instead of just forgetting that you're signed up for the patreon.

Willie Mahlan

These mother fuckers talking bout I got so much more free time to read books but can't realese 1 fuckin ep a week meanwhile Matt and shane move across the country and are 1000x more busy put out nonstop content


Missed the intros, boyz. We’re so back.

African Rose

So the general consensus is what I've been saying all along. Jews have infiltrated top tier positions and our guys let them pull fuckery and hedge bets pretending like we don't know they going to fly planes into buildings or have saudi's paraglide into a festival full of young jews who were the exact type of progressives to vote an old false flagger like him out and our wasp neo con true nazi rulers make bank. think of the wealth exchange of putting billions into brainwashing people through education and media to push people into communism and anti islamic sentiment and all this gay shit...and to be caught...again....hand in cookie jar....lol....they literally spit on christians in israel so fuck em. never believed for a minute arabs were behind anything.


Been locked out of my Paytch for a while got like a year of paytch eps to catch up on


Spud found - https://nypost.com/2023/10/28/news/crazed-man-dragged-from-hillary-clinton-event-after-screaming-about-jeffrey-epstein/


Watch Season 2 Episode 13 of Fringe


This episode fucking sucked lol


I guess you mean it sucked dick. Which I guess means if it was your dick that was sucked, it was awesome. Obviously Bill would suck your dick no matter what. But it would probably feel pretty good because Bill knows what's up and he has beautiful lips and soft hands.


Appreciation for the boys, glad you found yourself and awesome pod ideas spud, it’s a never ending journey on bettering yourself but in the end it’s worth it enjoy these memories!!!