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we give spade a call and see how the mans doin

Bill Withers- Lean On Me

Issac Hayes- Walk on By



Anyone have an idea why this taylor swift and travis kelce thing's happening while he's doing phizer commercials


Losing motion

African Rose

Mushrooms and dune audiobooks fucking slap


Ça va, 'it goes' 'it's going' le ghey limp wristed french nihilism


Bacha Bazi Billy aka the dancing boi


This rules


This is fucking Legendary!


did bill learn adobe to play pippen to spud's jordan '23 world travel year? heartwarming 🥰




I love u guys 😭


This is the best

terry hughes

Tell Spud to go to Barcelona and do a chesty on Gaudi architecture. That would be amazing!

Gay Nazi Jew Demon

Had to do some traveling for work recently and threw on some of the original war modes. These mfs suck ass now compared to the OG Billy and Spud. Bring back Poor Mode.


A little history for the dawgs who are into the conspiracy n' shit: Cast about the Weather Underground aka The Weathermen. One of the founders of the group was Bill Ayers, mentor to Barack Obama in Chicago when Barry was learning about "community organizing." Weather Underground were straight up commie terrorists in the US during 60s - 70s (they were an extra-radical, violent faction of the SDS, Students for a Democratic Society). Actually SDS has a long history with different names over the decades of socialist activists in the USA that goes way back to the 1800s. When the left/Dems use terms like "society," "community" or, even, "democracy" - it's essentially code for a socialist/commie authoritarian control. Learn to recognize that shit when they talk about it. The Soros backed, former DA (he was recalled and voted out, even in fucking far-left San Francisco) named Chesa Boudin's parents were Weather Underground members and were convicted of murder. Since they were locked up, Chesa was adopted and raised by same guy above in Chicago, Bill Ayers. Oh yeah, and Chesa was a Yalie and Rhodes Scholar (which connects him to the Anglo-American secret society aspects of commie infiltration of the Fabian Socialists, look them up if you don't know who the Fabians are; Jay Dyer also talks a lot about the Fabians). This cast, granted they're kind of boomers, does good, evidence supported shows on a wide variety of conspiracy stuff. The have some of the best JFK/RFK assassination info of any podcasts. https://rumble.com/v3l1t0v-the-weather-underground-were-bomb-wielding-radicals.html


Oh yeah, part of why this stuff is important 1. It shows that the push from white elites for communism in the US goes way, way back. 2. The wealthy fucks mentioned in the cast are the precursors to the wealthy Antifa we see today, many are just their kids or friends of commies generations ago. Often called "champagne socialists," they usually are white, wealthy and have family history that goes back to the early days of the USA, many from the New England area.


Is there an apple playlist for these songs like there is for Spotify?


This shit rules! Spud: Parts Unknown


Wait… who’s in Paris?


Really hope a “taken” situation doesn’t happen. Would be funny to watch bill go full Neeson though.


Let's go on Roseanne's YouTube and ask her to get Billy and spud on there


Damn good week..2 reggies from the dawgs for MSSP..Shane on Stuff Island..Matt on Dub Mode..I drive for a living so I listened to em all im not some faggy loser


Im expecting at least a one on one interview with Icke

Kelsey Christianson

I desperately yearn for these two. I’m so in love with you bill n spud.

African Rose

Anyone not on the paych is hurting lol....god damn


Eddie Bravo on JRE 🎊


If the muslims or africans touch Spud I will reconquista Europe


show us the gif


So Feinstein is taking a dirt nap.


Alex Jones is featured on Eddie Bravo’s Sep 18th cast LOOK INTO IT


I want the travels to continue forever. It’s like a better version of Ricky Gervais’ an Idiot Abroad


Yo did yall listen to the Tom o Neil 1 free episode? That shit is boring as fuck is it worth finishing?

African Rose


African Rose

You should upload old paych episodes edited without expletives to your official youtube channel so you can monetize it and allow new fans to enjoy older episodes in down times. I really think you need to hire a young ambitious editor/merchandiser. were I you I'd hire memory hold and get him doing the deep dives and clerical work as a full time producer.


RIP CANADA will now regulate podcasts it’s been nice

African Rose

Jordan Jensen is a good female comedian.


To the Canadian fans just download a free VPN. Put your location as anywhere that a dictator is not in place.


Didn’t drop a single free ep last month. Losers


Adam Friedland show with Chet Hanks to hold me over


Matt bordering the line between giving me useful life advice and making me more retarded


Here's the deal: Soros works to destabilize sovereign nations - color revolutions with violence or with market, debt and currency manipulations, done to whole countries, UK, Ukraine, US, etc. Believe it or not, Soros is against Israel, he wants to control Israel too and Soros works to affect color revolutions in Israel as well (as he's been doing against Netanyahu). Soros would like to do his brand of destabilization to China as well and he knows China is in trouble (debt, financial sophistication, aging demographic, etc.). However, China is also a manufacturing powerhouse. Something like 50% of all products sold around the world come from China's production. Stuff that used to be made in the USA is now made in China, the USA doesn't even have the set up anymore for much of the manufacturing we get done in China (this is partly why the middle class in America got gutted, it's not just shop workers, but the businesses and people who used to build equipment, maintain or provide services for every aspect of manufacturing in the USA - all that started to wind down from the US as it was sent to China since the 1980s onward - that's manufacturing capacity). But BlackRock has invested heavily in China. BlackRock is, in a way, an opponent against Soros for NWO world control. So, big players are kind of on the same side, totalitarians using socialism/fascism methods for dominance but they also have opposing bets or visions on how to get there.

Howling Man

Whats more dead Feinstein or War Mode?


What even is this shit anymore


Does this feed still work?


Full Belly Syndrome


Man this just blows






Anyone else think it was gonna be gardini singing the intro for some reason?

Howling Man

no new real people are subbing to this. the loyal listeners have gone elsewhere. those that remain are haters and fake money laundering profiles.


bibi bombing damascus and aleppo. him and the coin clippers are hell bent on taking this whole thing sideways


Can someone remind what episode they talk about Paul mccartney's involvement in the occult?


we need spud


Boys what are some casts to subscribe to. This is gay and retarded. Gay bill and spud dong make no agenda money. And have 1/10 the output. Unsubscribing after some good recs out here


Taking this buck I spend out to that LotLizard behind the self wash.


They’re literally trolling us at this point


Waited a month for a goddamn pre recorded ep, meanwhile Matt moves across the country and still holds it down.

Erik Rio

You ever consider that maybe bill and spud are perfectly happy with their lives and what they have going on and don’t wanna be as famous as Matt and Shane because that’s more to handle than you could possibly imagine and probably not as fun as it seems ? These dudes are just blue collar guys holding it the fuck down taking their time but also living their life fully . Sorry your a homo 💪 #straightbill


Thank God for Spud


Dude, Matt is the light of any pod. Love him. Gay Billy boi needs to stop sucking the elitist tit down Capital Hill.

Ned Nice

Hearing Spade this energized and happy brings me so much joy