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I’m a mess




Will they boys head over to Lil Stinkers for their Epstein Files episodes?




What’s the song they listen to at the start?


Great casts with Tom and the boys, and I say that despite being a bit disappointed that an on balance "conspiracy" podcast didn't delve into more of the associations, conjecture and dot connecting potential (of the actual fucking material) that could have been with someone like Tom on the show. Instead we mostly heard about Tom's ordeal in writing the book, which he admitted was more fun for him. Tom sounded like he was pretty comfortable and had a lot fun, so it's a good sign that guests can relax and chill with Bill and Spud. But what was extra cool in this with Tom and the LVM podcast is that Spud seems more confident in doing podcasting. Spud always says he's retarded or dumb, etc. but I think he's actually really smart, despite being fooled by things like QAnon or Sepehr's bullshit. Spud may not be able to do physics or chemistry calculations, but he's got a great ability for what I'd call "associative perception" - don't know if that's a real thing psychologically or not, but it's what a lot of artists have. It's like being able to see a whole bunch of different shit, looks chaotic and nonsensical to many others, but this kind of mind can take a bunch of data points from a large variety of seemingly unassociated areas and synthesize them to make sense out of disorder. I'm regularly impressed with Spud's skill at remembering facts and details (though sometimes he fucks that up royally, lol) about conspiracies and olden myths/tales. So, yo Spud even if you quit the cast tomorrow, you should recognize that you have this talent, better than many others, even within podcasting, and it's likely your true calling.


Great work from spud with the knowledge and Billy for the vibes.

African Rose

Its time...the house renovators and realtors get together....Warmode...Nick Rochefort. Lets make it happen.


Premium content for pernicious peafowl.


Series on Cold War recommended by Jay Dyer: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhoKd9RjS082pcgMbcNjwYtXcifiNL9us

David Eric Ricketts

Great stuff, boys. I enjoyed the new podcasts.


Epstein's buddy, former New Mexico gov., Bill Richardson, be dead. Was it natural, was it Clintoncide?


For those keeping track there was a big win Against FDA in 5th Circuit court of appeals re: Ivermectin. What it means - it will be much harder for the deep state, fuck-head regime to pull the same kind of shit in the future regarding alternative medicines, the supposed lack of a viable, alternative medicine, was a major reason that Pfizer and other pharma companies were able to get an EUA (emergency use authorization - only granted if there are no other viable meds or treatments). The deep state regime used social media, pressures on doctors and lying media/politicians to discredit ivermectin, as it was a viable alternative medicine, they had to discredit it so the vaxx could be pushed as the only option. So, if things go well and the legal interpretation is developed, that means it will be much harder for the regime to act like only one med or vaxx is possible for a pathogenic outbreak.

African Rose

hyacinth was a sweet boi


We are one more pod about raw milk away from converting billy to national socialism. He already feels the golden light of apollo slowly burn within him. Spud just needs to tell him about margarine half life and we will be almost there


No complaints ever bros


This and the Paul is dead EP...... Best pods yet, thanks dudes 👏


⏰ 👈


Greta van fleet is the second best band of all time what are you talking about

African Rose

Barbie movie was enjoyable. Not sure why it got so much hate. Sure theres some annoying ugly spick in it saying things but your brain will gloss over that not even an issue. ferrel and gosling slap.

African Rose

I've been buying Raytheon Bechtel and Lockheed Martin pieces of clothing. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133363180098?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338722076&customid=&toolid=10050 lol you fuckers call yourself WAR MODE....Next live gig I'm going to rock up in that bitch and part the sea with you scared conspiracy faggots with the DARKEST of drip games.




I've been into conspiracy and deep state spook shit since before Spud was born. There's great arguments to see today's US and global politics in a black-pilled way. Things are fucked and the WEF/NWO globalists are waging war on us all, still, a black-pilled view is ultimately a loser mindset, one that will get you nowhere and make you hate yourself in the process. To combat that, you can get involved even in minor ways. It's like if you were at a Mexican restaurant and all they had was coke and those Jarritos fruit drinks. But you wanted something else, like Liquid Death or San Pellegrino, or whatever you homos drink. You're close to guaranteed to not ever get what you want unless you ask for it, get your buddies to ask for it and keep pressuring the restaurant to serve it. Same thing goes for some politics. So, despite the grease and the grift, some amount of action and public demand is what makes things get done or not get done - especially in local or state govt. A lot of the issues of today is because the populist, libertarian type conservatives didn't do more to fight deep state and regime politics. Or because people were blue-pilled right wingers who just went with RINOs or the uniparty. A reason the left wing socialist/commies are in power is because those fuckers never stop trying to gain and improve political position over other groups. Example: a lot of conservatives, in RED districts had no idea that CRT or trans stuff was being pushed in their schools by commie teachers, conservatives have been asleep at the wheel for a long time, so they didn't learn about this until recently. Bill talks about the Amish some, there are legal cases now fighting the USDA in their mafia like tactics against the Amish selling meat that isn't processed at a USDA certified butcher/processor. You can help keep unadulterated, non-drugged or anti-biotic nasty shit out of your meat if you pressure your reps to back Thomas Massie's Prime Act. Billy boy is right about the goodness of Amish food. If you also want to keep your meats from getting mRNA vaccines, it'd be a good idea to pressure you local reps to not let that happen, or to avoid such meat if they start doing it. Simple as. Some are worried about Black Rock or Black Stone buying up single family homes, recent article projected that 40% of homes will be owned by big institutional investors by 2030 (there's that 2030 again), which will fuck up the housing market, but more importantly it will consolidate ownership of homes to corporate, to big ass institutions like Black Rock. Did you know there's a bill introduced that would limit or help avoid too much consolidated ownership of homes (making what would have been private personal property to something that is owned by a few mega-corps? It's called H.R.9246 - Stop Wall Street Landlords Act of 2022? I haven't had the chance to vet it completely, but it's this kind of thing you can pressure your reps to support for your own interests (as long as it isn't trojan horse/bait and switch legislation). "You'll own nothing and be happy" - well a big part of that is home ownership, if they take away the ability to own a home or property, that's a lot closer to making you own nothing, ever. So, just saying millennials, gen z, etc. have more power and input than you may realize. Things are dark now but if you fight for your rights and way of life, you'll do better. Trump isn't going to save everyone, neither is RFK Jr. - you have to be responsible and press these reptilian swamp creatures into doing what you want. Deep State wanted full on war in Syria, didn't come about like other wars because there was huge public pressure to not do it.


Getting me pumped for the day! Thanks boyzz! ☀️


laura loomer happens to stumble on a nazi rally in her neighborhood. a neo nazi happens to be a cia asset they plucked out of jail to get intelligence and fight with Ukraine. Then loomer breaks the story in a viral tweet w/ evidence all over twitter.. yea ok


Spud in Paris 👀


Spud needs to get to Ireland never mind those french pedos. Go for a trip to beautiful Sligo were the RA blew a mountbatten size hole in the royal family.


If African rose could kiss any guy who would it be?


Spud, the Sun King, in all his opulence: https://postimg.cc/TLH2msWB


What's for supper fat fucks?


There needs to be a WM, Matt and Tom cast w/o Shane. Love the Big Kahuna, but he's not that skilled as the others in exploring the further reaches, the esoteric and ethereal aspects of culture and the psy-ops showered upon us.

African Rose

Hyacinth is a sweet boi

African Rose

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aZTWbWkRZic if this doesn't get chopped up into 10 intro's and discussed i'll be very surprised...white women acting sus and angry black women at a pool? yussssss


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSL3TNcoX/ Sean Strickland tells Australian press their government blows

Coinberg Goldenstein

Fuckin Spuddawg chilling on Chubby Behemoth looking like a compact Casey Affleck! Dude looks great


We need some AE WAR material. Labyrinth of the Lost Guild.


If Spud's in London, he's probably looking around saying holy shit and thinking even West Philly isn't so bad right about now.

African Rose

Or at our history going back before romans ever showed up. damn...I got furniture older than your shit stain republic. Only fat tourists and poors end up in the shit areas of london as is the intent. If you're not a peasant it is delightful.


Cherchez le Spud man sur Chubby Behemoth Podcast en Paris avec Monsieur Sam Tallent et le “posh boy” Nathan Lane. Tres bien mon freres.


Bienvenue a Mode du Guerre


Spudu Inu: - https://postimg.cc/4KXzbsL6/3fd176c3


Bro why the fuck don’t the patreon episodes have as cool intros as YouTube


Bi weekly eps now?? 😢

African Rose

They are all moving to austin. relax.


You 2 are being, what one would say, total fucking faggots.


Billy is a fake blue collar guy. He’s a pussy and a thief.


I guarantee the root of the podcast dying is Billy getting a girlfriend. He was never gay, just a simp. Too busy with Sunday brunch, trips to the pumpkin patch and picking flowers to release the episode that was recorded almost 2 weeks ago. Or lemaire somehow ruined it.


It is frustrating as a fan how they rarely post but their subscriber #s keep going up so what do you expect. Maybe they'll make 30k a month for one pod...Can't blame them. I'd stay cuz I'm paying just $1


love you guys, but really… hope you step in dog shit and track it through your house. Post up pussies.


I used to not be a fan of people calling billy gay. However, he’s fucking me too hard to not be a faggot


https://www.fourdiedtrying.com/ bs or a legit documentary?


3 weeks lol


Bill went from incel to pussy whipped bitch in record speed. Exposed as the fraud he’s is.


Everyone getting mad at people complaining is coping at this point, shit is ridiculous


I miss you 😢