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Alice In Chains- Rooster





Let's get it mon🔥


We are gathered on the paytch for a higher purpose. If you are not high, you have no purpose here. 🙏🎅🏾🙏🏾


About time you lazy fucks delivered


Jocko jeans… for $7000.00💀


Whats that Antarctica documentary end of the world Carl Segan doc shit they're talking about


The biggest conspiracy right now is that things will get better.


Fav band fav pod


Just came out that the police chief who was chief in Las Vegas at the time of the Las Vegas mass shooting is the same guy who’s now police chief over Maui. Weird.


no alíen talk??


Yo I somehow just got the last $1 sub, I’m stoked as hell

African Rose

what if the vaccine was a means of stopping the vampiric elites from drinking human blood. If you have a jab you're somewhat fine but if you devour human blood etc you develop a heart issue and die. you notice how all these old fucks in politics especially the dems began fully deteriorating as covid kicked in and the jab rolled out? think about it if you're drinking gallons of fucked up MRNA blood it'll kill you. don't you find it odd all these billionaires are dying in record numbers? Maybe this was the good guys.




You guys should check out this channel covers the phoenix event https://youtube.com/@Archaix138


https://youtu.be/ai89XQX1i80 need to see y’all do a cast


Alice in chains gay heroin addict shit

African Rose



Balls balls balls!


Drop a cast pussyyyyyyyyy


Y’all seen that artists paintings that were in the pizza gate place? Sick fucking shit.


Yo, can you guys just get a consistent schedule please?? Dont make me take my $1 elsewhere


Damn dawg. Even Down syndrome guy can get snizz and you retards can’t! Ha Love the pod! Got to hit me up next time y’all are up in VT.


African Rose wants to be Dairy_queen so badly. Spud fucking rules

African Rose

Dairy queen used reddit and hated shane. and was clearly just an O'connor burner. I am banned on reddit love shane and I am 6'3. so no. also you're gay.


Hypothetical: knowing what you know now, having gone through Covid-19 and the b.s. lockdowns, what will you do if they try to start up masking, lockdowns and other bullshit propaganda in the next year or two? - it's now being rumored by Alex Jones and others that this is being planned for rollout. - now, what if it turns out they unleash a different Covid, one that really is deadly? What do YOU do? Do you comply? Do you protest? Do you actually War Mode in minecraft? How do you play this game? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/just-time-election-biden-regime-reinstate-covid-19/ ----- above is from Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, who puts out some dubious, exaggerated and biased articles, but generally factual. Jones (you can see his show from yesterday/recently) claims he has whistleblowers at TSA and Border Patrol, like the article suggests. Of course, they could try and face so much backlash that it's immediately scrapped. The powers that shouldn't be are desperate, they know they're on borrowed time and the clock is running down.

African Rose

https://youtu.be/Of_7HDszHs0?t=1592 Delias mask slipping and mentioning sound of freedom...seems like the jews are losing control on him.


Early episodes like "Gud Wuder"? Are not available on Spotify anymore? Post that shit on here so I have a decent library to listen to in-between casts?


Robert L. Peters Or Bob Little Peters #PedoPeter






Sounds like Billy sucked at sports


I’m gonna explode my head with a Chinee laser if u don’t drop a paytch


Come on bros, where you at?

Willie Mahlan

Seriously can't drop a free ep or a paytch once a week? Lots of Podcasters are dropping 2 eps a week and doing multiple pods, shit ain't hard


🙏🏼🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️,👀🤷🏽‍♂️😢, 🙅☠️?

Coinberg Goldenstein

Perched on my peak. Telling you freaks. To suck my dick. Always. Fucking. Watching.


Damn I was gonna buy a Heat T because I finally watched the movie but the store is dead


All jokes aside please keep Bill in your prayers, he just finished his first week of meetings in Cocksuckers Anonymous. A big step forward! He had to spend 4 days in detox for severe semen withdrawls until the doctors deemed him stable enough to be released. It's looking like another month before the next podcast but he's undergoing daily checkups to make sure a relapse is off the table. Your patreon money is going to Bill's ritonavir treatment in order to mitigate his AIDS symptoms. It's not easy but we'll get through this!


Come on now boys


Let’s see the duramax baby Billy


Y’all got any of that content? It’s getting bad Canada needs the word


I had a guy pay me 4K for some work on his house, I’ve been in Mexico fucking trans dudes for 3 weeks. Told him I was busy with stuff. hahahaha


when i pay for 69 ballsacks, i expect 69 ballsacks


Sleep Mode

Lenin lives

O'conman taking swipes at warmode in his set last night


Yo what the fuck where’s the fucking ep holy shit


i just hope the boys are okay


If they are being held captive and manhandled by buff, tactically proficient men as part of a black operation you know Billy has been leakin Alfredo sauce all in them jeans.


I hope all the Dawgs have a great Friday at work, stay safe, have fun but most importantly stay straight.


Gay bill stop being late


Where’s the new content boys come on now


“Oh you thought?”


Man I hope the boys are okay. I keep getting calls about Covid vaccine surveys from the CDC. I need them to look into this for me.


Too bad the boys don't put out more shows. These guys could just sit down and shoot the shit and I would listen because they are hilarious. I don't need them to have a researched topic just some more shows


Path of Exile Explosive Arrow Champion


Who cares Ronald


“La nigh” sheesh

David Eric Ricketts

Thank the gods for the new episode. I was starting to think I subscribed to Bore Mode.


August- 2 free eps....1 Paytch ep.... What are we still paying for


The boys have got to get Roseanne on


Yo Spud and Bill - despite the upgraded cashflow, hold off on buying properties if you can. Plus this might be a good story you guys would like to hear. Home prices, then rents are likely to go down (maybe to prices before 2020 or as much as 30-35%, according to some folks who really know this shit). One of the big reasons, definitely not the only reason, is the whole Air BnB bubble. A lot of rich people bought up a lot of housing stock that would have been good homes for young families ready to buy their first home (usually on the lower end and existing, not new builds) due to low interest rates. These rich fucks with one, two or more extra homes made it harder for poorer folk to buy homes, thought they’d make a huge killing in Air BnBs with positive cash flow from guests and all the bogus expenses they tack on to Air BnBs, which pushed prices up for everything, creating a housing bubble we’re still in. Now, many of the would be guests are trying to save money due to all the higher CPI, a lot of these guests would be the YOLO young folks who've had expendable income due to UBI and the pause on student loan repayment - so, much less to no positive cash flow for the rich fucks who bought up a lot of the extra homes (many of whom had sunk costs for re-design, improvements, etc. to make their Air BnB more appealing in a competitive environment). However, to lock in capital gains now, they're finding out they have to sell. Their money could be in treasuries getting higher returns. So, if a lot of Air BnB assholes start selling, it could cause a huge move to the downside in home prices and, later, rents for the whole market. See article or vid discusses the issue too. Gammon is good to follow for no b.s. econ and finance info. https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/airbnb-bubble-popping-will-pop-housing-bubble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma-w9HZAHZQ


Yo I got a fixed rate at 2.6% for 30 locked in cause I bought during the pandie


The glimmer of hopium that could come from the WM/LVM meeting of clans is so close I can almost touch it. Creators willing to take a stand and arrange opportunities for their subs to help pressure anything, is invigorating. Don't lose focus and sharpen the stone. Inshallah.


they program them, they groom them, then they insert them publicly, LOL: https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1696572521548575069?s=20 look up Buttigieg's father's history in Indiana for some back up info.

African Rose

probably should have advertised you were going to do that podcast. might of helped.

African Rose



That Q&A was top 5 best thing WM has done. I'm wondering which caller was African Rose.


Billy quit taking my patreon dollars and buying chains for urself u fucking monkey


Hunter Biden walkthrough while waiting. I’m sure the boys are busy. from MarkoPoloUSA.org https://www.youtube.com/live/UymiO4HU9LQ?si=G7uHAHpUMAtuJNA8


Hurry up cunts what we paying for this aint a charity


nice. Gouveia is good, pretty legit in his legal coverage. Marco Polo dude still looks like Spud's younger, straight-laced brother. LOL


I respect the pre-roll on these episodes… lets my decks get up to speed.


Spuds been playing Metal Gear Solid 5.


You have to hit me up boys, I know a guy that wrote a great book about Poleshifts... Respond respond


Spud is the most relatable human ever. Spud, you rule. Keep it up, nigga


Seen a video of a hs kid with downs bench 5 something for 5 reps


Bleed the freak is a good AIC song


Spade it’s gonna come together bro . Jesus Christ keep it together brother. You get to to do the job you enjoy and your semi famous and I pay you. You just need the snizzy a little here a little there. Until you find the one. I mean you could meat a lady who put drugs in your drinks to manipulate the perception of I work for this home it’s my home to find out your a lab rat. Why am I so sleepy weird I’m awake weird why does my beer taste like Xanax


It will come