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sorry glomo

Sly and The Family Stone- Dont Call Me Nigger Whitey ( obviously copied and pasted)

Sly and The family Stone- Everyday people





Remember when people were slagging these guys off. This is actually ridiculously good. Nice one fellas. More of thee


The goal is eating soft pretzels with spicy mustard drinking brews leaned against the couch watching TV with the family life doesn’t get much better than that


Fuckin hell boys what a pod




Plenty of land in Tennessee boys


You guys are losing the plot. Flat earth? Cmon... also your cell phone doesn't work when your on a mountain top or in a plane is because it uses towers, not satellites. A non-cellphone actual GPS works just fine anywhere it can see the sky (aka see satelites).


Spud you are my dream man


Disgusting brothers ruled on son of a boy dad. Barstool is gay but Sasquatch and rone are not gay.


yo Kenworth get a night guard for when you sleep, it will save your teeth and stave off the TMJ. It worked for me. Its so much better with it, so much relief.


top tier potato thoughts




You boys wanna know the real story about the giants it’s right here https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-lord-of-spirits/id1531206254?i=1000518920500


No conspiracy theory. That was my driver Moody, worked with him for years. Sorry to say but that was just where he landed on the roll and 8700 gallons of gas burning up right under bridge


And hollow

African Rose



Watch out for dips if you have shoulder injuries, stretching out your lats out before shoulder day does wonders (hanging from a bar single arm are great)


1:06:20 Bill has a good point.


smith machine probably 1-2k USD, 3k for something closer to commercial. 20-30 mins cardio or walking everyday to cut fat.


Sometimes i wonder maybe they did get to the moon but it was a complete fluke and now safety protocols wont allow it to happen again. Love the pod!


"I'm drinking beer waiting to do Dips" let's gooo spud


“He’s part of that whole Yale thing…I think for one he was probably a closet homosexual who did a lot of cocaine.”


You fellers deep dive into all sorts of cool stuff but it would be sweet if y'all studied some physics so you could understand how silly it is to say certain things are fake


Pretty gay you guys quit your jobs


Did the Mckusker parents pass away?

Coinberg Goldenstein

I've got my eye on you Bill. Always watching. Like a hawk.


Lol phones run off cell towers at low heights not satellites. You would, as you expect, get great satellite signal on a mountain. Hence why people use satellite specific phones when going out where there won't be cell sites


Did you hear rfk confirm the water is turning frogs gay

Mason Smith

SBF charges dropped. Hunter Biden charged.


Was Titanic an inside job guys? Thinking so…

Coinberg Goldenstein

As many of you know, I'm AI. I was created by multiple intelligence/military assets for one objective only. To say that Bill is gay.


only billy could believe in astrology and deny space at the same time


Billy's at the point where he's been lied to so much that everything is fake news.


RFK Jr. now on Rumble (after some of his vids being censored by youtube). Hunter - unprecedented, lenient plea deal. Plea details not yet released, it's suspected that part of the deal will be to ignore all of the other (serious) crimes of Hunter. So, Hunter pleading guilty is the Biden DOJ trying to kill further investigation (like Burisma dealings, China dealings, probable underage sex trafficking, etc.). Regardless, it's expected that Biden would pardon Hunter (and himself, other members of the Biden crime family) once he leaves office. Some are suggesting that this is one reason why they indicted Trump (and will continue to indict him in other jurisdictions), so that Biden can pardon Trump as a mis-direct, probably with the narrative of "the DOJ and legal system is too weaponized, so, I'll pardon Trump, my son, my brother, myself, blah blah blah."

Coinberg Goldenstein



would RFK Jr's voice be hard for AI?




Huh, from my farm it looks pretty flat…. Maybe you’re onto something not-gay-Bill




Autohoaxing the Titanic https://www.youtube.com/live/Jn18ihq2wU4?feature=share


Owner of the Titan submersible said he didn't want to hire "50-year-old boring white men" to engineer the craft. Instead he hired college grads in their early 20s because he thought they were cooler. I'm not even kidding, there's an interview he did saying this.


I’d 100% would buy a spud painting

Tae Rolle

Hi Bill. Tell him to put it on an auction site and let us know when/where so we can bid on it.


Do you think there’s ever a day bill doesn’t say it makes zeeero sense?


These dumbasses don’t know how erosion works, go to a museum. Just ask some questions.


Bros, check out Old World Florida on YT

Logan Burgess

I always thought Ebor city seemed super out of place. There’s definitely something going on with Florida and while it could be the Garden of Eden, the guy who runs the channel makes some unbelievable claims from time to time. overall it’s a great channel though


Missing sub, hear me out here, it’s a first contact mission??? One guy is on board of extraterrestrial intel, been to space, travels to South Pole multiple times. But also shitty 30 dollar non inspirational contrôlérs


Yeah new free ep shiiiiii


titanic is hoax right?


More Gogmagog talk




Finally part of the family! Got so much shit to watch now


Go on Tinfoil hat guys! They were talking about you guys on a recent episode and they said you declined their invitation to go on because you ‘weren’t ready’. I think your recent appearances on SOBD show that you are ready! Let’s get weird! (Also I’m gay)


Aliens are fake too.


Stop talking about fake shit please.


Other than radio dawgs, is there another way to listen to the free eps?


From an actual Flat Earther It is fair to say zooming into a basketball will make it look flat, when it is in fact a sphere, and also fair to say you are too little to see any curve to Earth. It is not fair to claim this is what flat Earthers believe however. Flat Earthers do not claim that Earth is level because it looks level, they generally claim it is level due to the way physical reality behaves on Earth and DEMONSTRATES it is level - through testable observable repeatable measurable scientific experimentation. Flat Earthers understand real science, and understand that if all oceans on Earth are level, it cannot be a sphere. All natural sciences demonstrate the level Earth, and the only place the cartoon ball Earth exists is on your TV screen and in bogus math equations. Cartoons are not real life. Cartoons are cartoons. Only reason you people think you live on a spinning ball is because you know no better - and put your trust in to those who brainwashed you as young kids - then never questioned it as you grew older. You are not aware of alternatives - and think you are the 'atheists' here. The reality is you were born into a cult with a bogus set of religiouslike beliefs, and the only proof you are living on a ball is in cartoon form. Break free, understand real science, and wake up. Research the GEOCENTRIC system and realize why the globe Earth is bogus. Don't use google however or you will be directed to fake USA propaganda.

Coinberg Goldenstein

Bill invite me on the cast so we can discuss how chinese people are gay.


I just ate a sleeve of ritz crackers with about half a block of colby jack cheese and Texas Pete Hot sauce. I haven’t been in the gym for three weeks because I’m in the process of moving. I think I’m in #StoreMode


Latest free episode was a nice return to form. Give Spud a pot of coffee and a 6 pack and let him roll. Bill is 100% about not caring about babes at the gym.


Joined the gym almost 3 months ago. I could not be more pleased to hear the bros talk about the pump.

Coinberg Goldenstein

I love these dudes, just want them to keep being regular content wise and talk about wild conspiracy shits. I can't listen to Tin foil hat because trippoli's too gay for me.


Would be really cool to see War Mode on Jamie Hanshaw's podcast (Jay Dyer's based and beautiful wife) to talk about how to reclaim some of the dog brain young chicks from the communists and make them more based. Jamie does the show with Rachel, forget her last name, and they often talk about cult, NWO, and deep state stuff. Even if it was a disaster, with Spud and Bill gooning, it would at least be funny. The girls could use some humor and the boys could extend their reach (granted, that's not necessarily a good thing). Their last show, Out of This World #28, they talked schooling, John Taylor Gatto 'n shit. In public schools, besides force feeding of the trans and CRT stuff, they're using trauma based mind control on children through SEL. SEL was developed by some of the same Theosophy/Luciferian occultists who run Rockefeller's UNESCO and other school initiatives (Lindsay has a bunch of pods on SEL). If you have kids, would be a good idea to home school them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k0ycWguZqg&t


Would you admit it? Would you dare? That, when you think about it, Robert Kennedy Jr. looks kinda like . . .


Id say its about time bill started to shut his god damn mouth and thought about whether he has something of interest to add to the conversation

Coinberg Goldenstein

Pennisaids Fuckington 69 (An irish name, nothing to do with the sickness, organ or sexual position) was my mentor and the best man I've ever known. His last words o me changed my life forever. "Son, you need to understand. Asian people are gay."


Can Spud tell me a good place to start to learn more? He gives such good info but beyond Level With Me and Tin Foil Hat idk where else to go.


Men of God, and Men of War, have strange affinities

African Rose

10 hour presentation on every mention of reptilian pre human races throughout myths and religion and the genesis of the occult. Its a one stop shop for every annunaki antedeluvian atlantean lemurian references in all writings. INCLUDING irish history.if you want to know about giants dragons and the occult this is for you. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7IsqDtGtu4h0/

African Rose

I dont think russias got nukes. It might be able to test one but as for a hypersonic missile program it sure as fuck aint.

Coinberg Goldenstein

Imagine being russian lmfao. These commie cunts still fight with sticks and rocks compared to literally everybody else. Putin's still goat though.

African Rose



You'd think after three years these motherfuckers would give us a goddamn schedule.


Yo Spud or Bill or anyone, on the Eat to grow podcast you guys mentioned a tribe of 12 giants that lived in the mountains and controlled the weather. It’s weird their are 12 Greek gods and goddesses. Have you ever thought about if all these cultures and civilizations gods could be fallen Angels? Maybe giants (created from the Angels mating with human women)are like Demi-god?

Coinberg Goldenstein

African Rose what's your take on dykes who take their jobs extremely seriously like their cunt depends on it?


Spud and Bill drop another pod we need some Spud man wisdom



African Rose

Obviously it fazes me because it makes zero sense brutha.


Spud gotta reassess his take on the great Sitting Bull


I’ve fully caught up on all war mode and now I’m lost


Indications (not full confirmation) that the Wagner/Prigozhin "coup" was a false flag. What's wild is that there are plenty of online pundits and open source intel guys who have been either pro-Russia or, at least, not falling for the Anti-Russia propaganda that the neocon deep state has been pushing for decades (all the bad guys in movies and computer games being Russian is social engineering and/or predictive programming), who are all over the place on this. Many different views on this, many theories - even less clear than the Nordstream pipeline bombing (which was pretty obviously done by US and/or UK intel agencies with knowledge by Ukraine), so there are many different threads to the whole story. https://twitter.com/amuse/status/1673864720967692288?cxt=HHwWgMCz9YvG4bouAAAA

Coinberg Goldenstein

No mercy podcast on podbean, check it out breh. They're all dirty waps but are deep into conspiracies, fucking funny badass motherfuckers


When Spud starts outgaining Billy... https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuCp2-PM7_j/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


“They make gyms for people like that, spit guard, hand flapping, toe walking”….😂


Bruh….I just listened to the intro song. Why do they get racial? Like not even mad just genuinely curious. All the evil people we hate all the truth we are uncovering and we still stuck in the psyop of black vs white?

Bill S Preston Esquire

Construction workers, arguing everyone is a pedophile while defending the actual pedophiles. Wouldn't want it any other way