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join by my eldest brother and his boy joe. Were just trying to understand.



Bless the dawgs

African Rose

https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1682814606759966.webm this episode


Tucker Carlson's dad was CIA as explained in connect the dots, but detailed fashion in link .... check it Spud >> https://www.youtube.com/live/14JJJBiUKtY?feature=share

terry hughes

Bitcoin is fake and gay.

terry hughes

This currency has the potential to free 8 billion people?


Ngl anything crypto related in 2023 is an insta skip for me but someone lmk if this is actually funny


Bill and Spud I appreciate you guys trying new things and trying to have fun people but all we want is to here you guys have some funny banter bitcoin is like the one thing I think I wouldn’t want to here anybody talk about


I just relistened to y’all’s interview with nick bryant pt 1 and 2. Nick mentioned Dennis Hastert who was the fucking speaker of the house. Convicted pedophile in 2016. Yo what the fuck why was there no riots in the streets


Do a deep dive on the Troubles and ancient Irish history. We was kangs but the gay ass british wiped all our bloodlines out of history.


I did a research essay on Crypto/Bitcoin… i concluded at the root, bitcoin is a commodity to Fiat currency, Bitcoins value is measured in fiat. It requires electricity/hardware/software/labor/land to produce which is paid and compounded in fiat. I’ll avoid getting into the intrinsic value of anonymity and the massive fiat/bitcoin money laundering enterprise. If fiat fails, what is bitcoins value to tangible commodities? Fiats initial value was based on gold, but fell off in 1971. Gold is hoarded, Fiat is getting drained, and bitcoin/crypto is just another tick. CBDC is horrific. This guy was rough for an IT dawg. Gold is the OG.


Its a ponzi scheme fellas buy gold and silver instead


Currency has as much value as a bank lets it have. Bitcoin is useless. Once you can use it for everyday purchases I’ll listen.


One of the smartest guys I’ve ever listened too

micah vance

Buy btc and etc if u want be a man make ur own decisions buy a gun fuck ur wife drink a beer...just dont be gay ab it either way


Bitcoin? ShitCoin? Eth? Doge? 2030 is in coming up it doesn’t matter. Fed is going to have their own digital currency


Paul sounds a little light in the loafers


Alex Jones knows who created bitcoin


I simply enjoy the cast, couldnt imagine posting hate towards people i pay montly

Coinberg Goldenstein

It's not hate, it's justified disapointment. This podcast used to be about Spud rambling about wild ass conspiracies with the gay guy acting as a comic relief from time to time. Now it's whatever the fuck this is exactly.


Hour thirty in I’m a bit boi now ever heard of nodes my guy


No offense but I'm not sure this guy knows enough. He casually skips the fact that China has the majority of the hash rate running and securing btc


Bills friends succ, I wanna hear spuds work friends not some gay crypto shit


The feedback is ripe in here 😆 there's such thing as a healthy amount of discourse, however many of us seem to be fried on this subject already. I know there'll be more relevant episodes in the future, as there have been in the past.


Just have Tom on again next week and all will be well you three together is magic maybe get matt on again you could do that podcast every week and it would be perfect


McCusker Fambly part 2


Dollar is going to zero


Bank collapse Biden.


Fuck the people playing nice, this episode sucked.

African Rose

Imagine if instead of this joe guy we got 2 hours of Bill pick the brains and the history of the eldest and most sought after Mc'Cusker. 2 hours of a deep dive into the family so wild and interesting that almost all of them are polar opposites of each other and yet all are so close. We could of heard the man that influenced all 3 of these brothers. If tom and matt and billy are so fucking strange and entertaining the eldest would have been a fascinating exploration of a group of men we have all come to love. I don't mind whatever you talk about but my disappointment was overwhelming this episode. And its not like War Mode go on tour very often so to make the effort to travel to Arizona and be with FED...again a Mc'Cusker we have wanted to hear from since this patreons inception was an abject waste. I am praying this oversight gets rectified and we get 2 hours of FED and billy and spud talk but I'm not holding my breath. One day I'm going to see a Mc'Cusker fambly fuckjob 2.0 and we will have every Mc'cusker including the Sister all together doing a nice long episode for the fans.


Sorry for yelling earlier… The topic fires me up, and I would say the same thing in person if someone tried to explain how it’s actually a feature and not a bug to use excessive amounts of energy to text money that’s ‘1s & 0s’ because of— Thermodynamics Hey…. Bull shit. Again sorry I got activated… I have autism.


Could someone please tell me how to buy Bitcoin? I've been trying for years, but I don't trust any of the wallets apps or website. I was gonna start at an ATM but didn't trust that either. Does the ATM give you a USB drive?


Just make a cold storage wallet. Buy off a common exchange and directly deposit into your cold storage wallet. Dont be afraid of bitcoin sites just dont leave your coins there. If it’s not your wallet, they’re not your coins Google will tell you how to do all this shit




There are a lot people in this chat whose regional bank is going to fail next month


Lot of people in this thread are about to find out FDIC is not real protection


FED is really billy and spuds federal agent handler. They call him Fed because they have to tell you what they are doing for karmic purposes.


Bill needs to stop inviting his “friends” on. Anyone outside of the MSSP family has been a horrible guest.


Bitcoin is gay... You can have currency that's not invisible fugazi horseshit or government controlled green dollars. It's called hard physical labor, farming, knowledge of the land you are surrounded by. 99 percent of the nerds talking about Bitcoin and having this wallet if the dollar falls couldn't grow a fuckin tomato let alone do physical hard landscaping work that's always gonna be valuable no matter what happens unless we are all vaporized off the face of the earth. Real. Tangible. Things. Anyone coming out and pretending to know more shit than the next retard about a concept basically, is fucking retarded.


Woody thinks it's 1850 😂😂 if the dollar fails BTC is the last thing you're gonna worry about. In that case buy guns and steal everything. Hard landscaping 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Spoken like a true lazy faggot with zero tangible irl skills. if the dollar falls life will go back to before 1850 for most people outside cities. What the fuck else would you have to worry about other then skills you have to fall back to survive on you fuckin mongoloid.


Holy shit you been commenting on this shit since last night huh? The cope of you wasting your bread is real. Imagine lurking your fav pods comments bc your so insecure with the decisions youve made that your shitting on actual skills lmao. Lemme guess your 4 channer buddy's who don't go outside as well fooled ya into getting it? For your parents sake I hope your fagcoin stocks goes up bruh kek


Nah since yesterday morning, I love hearing people's opinions on things, especially people like you.


Great I'll do you one even better here's a fact. you're a fuckin loser who will never sniff even 10 gs of actual money in the bank. Go paint a wall the knowledge is worth 10x any BTC you can invest in. Ya good ole fashion fucking R tard.


😆😂🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Woody brother I hope you make a lot of money one day


Goat ep. Imagine not being bullish 1 year out from the halving and amidst bank crisis


I do remodeling and I know more about the blockchain concept than this nerd they found

Trent m





I’m confused bro, why are you still painting and not just going all in on the pod. Pattern says 20k plus a month.


Imagine still having money in banks after Biden stole the election


Spud summed up this dude perfectly…”youre just saying words”. Dude is a twat with a 5 minute youtube video level understanding of this


They want to replace our military equipment with electric vehicles by 2030... Hey country we want to invade. Could y'all start building some charging stations so we can pillage? Thanks. My president has alzheimers


They also want all u.s. powerplants to be changed to wind, solar and batteries by 2040. No chance. Hey Cobalt miners, get the fuck to work.


I still don’t understand or trust crypto


BTC white paper came out the same year as the iPhone 1 and cassette players were still being installed in cars. We don’t know if AI is sentient already or not but quantum computing is around the corner.. but btc network not being able to update is still a feature and not a bug. It’s perfect. Like I’m not trying to be a Dick but if you want to sell someone on something you have to look at things objectively. I think it’s great if you don’t have legal gambling and want to send money to a sports book with bitcoin, or if you’re in a war torn country and know you’re gonna get stopped and searched and you can have keys to your money stored in your brain… btc is very cool. But I don’t think it will hold up to the future of technology that’s changing exponentially…. That’s all ❤️.


Come on now, if musk created bitcoin he would never stfu about it


He probably didn’t and it’s written in different styles it’s multiple ppl.

Brett Thornell

Government will ban use of all crypto except their own CBDC. They can’t have us making money outside their system.


Made it 12 min in so gay and boring


Anyone interested look into monero. Its what ppl think btc is.


Satoshi is the alias for the FEDs. Bitcoin is fake and gay


Kylo Ren, former apprentice of Luke Skywalker, had been living in solitude for months after he contracted HIV. He was ashamed, scared, and alone, haunted by the thought of what others would think of him. The virus seemed to have infected not only his body but also his soul, as he struggled with the fear of being ostracized and rejected by his former allies. It wasn't until he decided to reach out to his friends that he realized he was not alone. Moved by Kylo's story, the Resistance organized a rally in support of their former enemy. They stood behind him, not because he was a Sith Lord or a fallen Jedi, but because he was a person who needed love and support. Kylo felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and acceptance, and he realized that his diagnosis didn't define him. He was still the same person, with the same passions, dreams, and fears. In the end, Kylo Ren became an advocate for people living with HIV, using his status to raise awareness and fight stigma. He found a new sense of purpose and belonging, and he learned that the power of solidarity and compassion could conquer even the darkest of fears. The galaxy may have been torn apart by war, but in that moment, they came together to show that humanity, even in the midst of chaos, could still shine through.


Lol doesn't think Bitcoin was created by the FEDs and proceeds to say Elon Musk possibly created it. Clown


Looked online. Bitcoin is dependent on internet connection. If the central gov pulls the plug on public internet like they did in china, say goodbye to your GayCoin. You think they will let us have free internet forever?? Fuck no the clock is ticking on that shit. The fact that they don’t even talk about bitcoin shows you the powers that be aren’t worried and can shut it down whenever they want to. It is a speculative investment and nothing more. 100 years from now it will be utterly worthless.

African Rose

Wheres fed? I didnt hear him...please fix.


Spud saying he’s happy just to be in places, and he thanks everyone for being there. I feel that shit, just thankful to be allowed in.


Gold and silver


Kylo Ren contracts HIV from Tony Soprano, and he's devastated. He's been struggling with his identity for a long time and his diagnosis only adds to his inner turmoil. He feels ashamed and scared of what people will think of him. But eventually, he realizes that he needs support and decides to confide in his fellow gangsters. To his surprise, they offer him love and acceptance, despite his status as a Sith Lord and his HIV diagnosis. They see him as a human being who deserves dignity and respect. With the support of the Soprano family and his new-found friends, Kylo becomes an advocate for people living with HIV. He starts a campaign to raise awareness and fight stigma, using his platform to educate others and inspire compassion. He becomes a role model for people living with HIV and shows them that a positive diagnosis doesn't have to define their lives. In the end, Kylo's journey inspires others to come forward and seek support. The Soprano family learns that HIV is not a death sentence and that people living with HIV are still human beings who deserve love, respect, and dignity. Together, they build a more inclusive and compassionate mafia world, one where everyone is valued and respected.


About 33 mins in, this Paul guy sounds pretty good for introducing some aspects of Bitcoin in an intro way but I'd like to suggest a few things: Robert Breedlove, kind of a giga-chad libertarian/anarchist proponent of Bitcoin, many people know him, he's been on many podcasts and has his own. Breedlove, safe to say, probably knows more than this Paul guy. Cool, not a criticism, just letting you guys know the relative knowledge base. Now then, Jeff Snider, blows the mind of Robert Breedlove in his podcasts with Snider (they have like a 7 part series talking all about money and the past financial crises - Paul would probably be interested in hearing that series). I've been telling this board for a few weeks about Snider. Snider is a macro economics guy and he's at the top of the list of people calling out the Fed and the monetary system for their b.s. Snider has been studying macro and the Eurodollar for 20+ years. The Eurodollar is basically how the rest of the world trades or does banking, in all manner of forms but, easy way to think of it, is that Eurodollars are IOUs for real U.S. dollars. Derivatives of "money," like Paul suggests is thousands of years old, derivatives are like fractional reserve banking in the sense that you're trading values in a made-up, ledger way. Ancient Sumerians or one of those empires back then, were some of the first to use derivatives and ledger banking, it necessitated actual writing. We know this from what the first writing was about - LOL - notes on who owed what to whom. So, say some guy has a field of grain, but it's the early spring - he wanted to trade with a guy who has sheep for meat or whatever. The grain won't be harvested and prepared until the end of summer. So the two work out a deal where all the future grain is owned by the guy with the sheep, so they can make the trade today rather than after the harvest. So this trading or transacting in "rights to receive" some future or indirect property or right to property has gone all the way back to those times - and it's basically essential to trade itself. In the more modern days future rights to receive money could just be overnight or even hours, due to differences in interest rates or fees, etc. Banks and shadow banking fuck it all up by doing it in fraudulent ways, irresponsible ways or hidden ways. Interesting to note - and no joke, the Knights Templar were some of the first to introduce double ledger banking and other forms of banking/trade (where it's not just direct trade this for that on the spot) to the whole of Europe, where you didn't have to have your gold on you personally, it was just some numbers and notes on a ledger. If banking or trade evolves this way, it's not hard to see that fractional reserve banking would follow - generally all good in an economy IF that economy and trade are all secure (which is a state that always changes, obviously). Paul is suggesting that it's only or mostly fractional reserve banking that led to the fall of Silicon Valley, or the others like First Republic and whatever the last one was. In a way that's correct (in that banking is made up, magik ledger manipulations), but Paul is wrong that it's just fractional reserve banking that caused the problems. The problems we have now that have led to these banking collapses (and we're likely only in the beginning stages, much more to come, likely much more unemployment to come) is due to the Eurodollar and a lack of good collateral for bankers. What that means is that everyone is afraid now, banks are becoming tighter and tighter with how they will lend money. Lending money, making credit (Paul may have correctly stated this) is how money is actually "printed" - it's not the Fed with a machine like you see in the memes that go brrrrrrrrrr. Say we have 180 Trillion in unfunded liabilities or debt in the U.S.A.'s name - the Eurodollar system is many, many more times larger, some say 10 to 100 times as much. This is why the guys who really know this stuff keep pointing out the Eurodollar. Case in point - if it was just fractional reserve banking and the Fed "printing money" that helped cause banks to fail - why was it that Credit Suisse, way over in Switzerland and bigger than SVB, Silvergate, or First Republic, went under and had to be bought out by Swiss bank USB (incidentally which has lots of nazi ties)? If it helps to understand, the Eurodollar is like "fractional reserve banking" for many other nations and cartels, shadow-banking, or that notion "the French" told Spud about some time ago - that there are banking interests/cartels who kind of operate as their own sovereign entities. However that only hints at how big it is, because the problem is all of the made up ways of how the Eurodollar is created and allowed to balloon up with derivatives, credit swaps, repos, etc. - and the Eurodollar system is not regulated like the systems of the US or other countries. It's a major problem. Paul or other Bitcoin enthusiasts should watch Snider in some of these links below (I'll just post the first in the series of Breedlove and Snider, but they have like 7 episodes in the series and it gives you a crash course in what really is going on with money and banking). Bitcoin could be really great in a lot of ways if it's not messed with or already controlled secretly by the deep state, but it also has problems related to something called "money elasticity" which is needed in global trade (for example, part of the problem when gold was tied to the dollar, it lacked a certain amount of flexibility that was needed for both global trade and as tied to a world reserve currency. Snider and Breedlove Series Ep. 1 > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQVGEQlhbJg&t=4243s or here's another good talk with Snider and a Bitcoin guy, Peter McCormack, > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNa-fewraJA As always, I'll ignore the attention whore faggots, you know who you are (safe to say if I keep ignoring your comments/replies, it's because I think you're just a troll/attention whore faggot), and haters who are too stupid to come up with any good responses, but will answer or respond to, if I can, any good questions or comments. Spud and Billy hope you guys have a blast in AZ, they say some of the best pizza is in AZ, post pics.


I think this guy is a little optimistic about the future of btc but I don't think there's any harm in loading up some bags either.


bitcoin is treason


but a hash is a function




Billy & Spud, Live out here in Scottsdale, don’t know if you’re still out here. I want to tell you about the department of real estate scam in Phoenix. Email me jdilly188@gmail.com


Kinda boring, kinda preachy. Lots of hype man energy. Decent cast🌈🤙


I don’t like this guy.


So I’ve been balls deep down the bitcoin rabbit holes since 2014. I almost didn’t even listen to this Ep because I’m tired of it being misunderstood and misrepresented, it’s something that people are going to just have to learn the hard way about. But this guy does a good job at fielding all the (completely typical) questions…so far

Coinberg Goldenstein

Hey everybody it's me beloved Brooklyn born comedian Colin Quinn!


I just re-subbed and this is bullshit. I canceled after fucking Juliano and I get hit with this now


Spud is the Bank!


Whitehat bitcoin twinks are in control boys. Deepstate on the run. Freedom's back on the menu, lez go

African Rose

there better be a Fed episode coming


Most of you sound like people who doubted the internet would work or that planes would fly. Here’s an intro to money and bitcoin(not crypto): https://btcchokidar.com Do as much homework on BTC as you do on Tartaria.

Coinberg Goldenstein

Feds are coming for my show at Carolines this weekend! It was judged too funny to be legal! Take care fans!


Was skeptical of another bitcoin ep. But this one is pretty damn good. Nice job boys! Spuds a bitcoiner now.


Also hope the dawgs had fun in Zona. Them saguaro are pretty neat


Terrible pod


Venmo is “free” because they sell your transaction data and get access to your bank account.


This dude absolutely sucked, didnt have one good answer for any of the tough questions. I was hopeful too. Would have been better to just let spud loose on the ASU campus, but not bill he would be a problem🌈💵


should do another cast just with Fed 🌞

African Rose


Coinberg Goldenstein


Coinberg Goldenstein

Listen folks, I don't know anything about crypto stuff since I'm two hundred years old but this guy sounds kind of gay.




I might just be ignorant here, but how does it make sense to say things like “if I have a wallet with 10 Bitcoin that’s worth 10 million dollars” and fantasize about remembering twelve words and fleeing to a shithole like the Philippines when the very value of Bitcoin itself is based on the fiat currency it’s attempting to replace? Without the dollar, would we start saying 1 Bitcoin is worth 10 cows or 5 gallons of diesel or 25 2x4s? The global population isn’t in tune with itself enough to manage this or make it reliable at all. I think if all forms of currency went away we’d immediately go back to bartering and Bitcoin would be a joke we reminisce about around a campfire.


Once again, I am an idiot but this don’t add up. I think a lot of these crypto nerds are dudes that got there hands on some early and made a little bit of money (yes that currency they want to replace?) and use that as the foundation to push a narrative that is unstructured and misleading all while dreaming of a romantic island get away with themselves and Satoshi. Not defending the banks at all, fuck them, but this shit doesn’t seem like a viable alternative unless you have an ecosystem of different cryptos that are stable and work. Using Bitcoin as a “global reserve currency” sounds extremely NWO to me lol.


This guys seems to know a lot, but doesn’t seem to understand the need for resources. He kept saying you don’t need anything if you have bitcoin. You have to use bitcoin to acquire resources.

African Rose

imagine a king charles jimmy saville deep dive in time for the coronation...could easily have got david icke on the ISDN phone line for studio quality interview and i imagine shanes agents have the connections to get him on the line. icke is constantly doing interviews with nobodies you telling me some big jew agents couldn't fix that?


If there are only 21 mil bitcoins available and there’s no way to produce more, wtf happens when people start dying and their assets aren’t recoverable due to the key. Bitcoin is nice but it can’t translate to a world currency


Wealth and purchasing power completely dependent on electrical grid and internet connection. Ngmi.


Great episode boys!


brothers I appreciate the sentiment but let’s get back to the nice here soon 🙏🏾 I have .025 bitties and nobody will ever touch them


Spud, are you still reading about the occult? I’d love to talk to you about your research and opinions of it so far.


Spud Bill drop a new episode talking about the evil psychic vampires controlling us

Dylan Mitchell-Funk

bitcoin is not stable. it only works if: 1. the power stays on 2. the internet stays on 3. computers keep existing as consumer goods bitcoin is not decentralized… it goes through the Internet on computers… it is the most centralized of currencies CAVEAT EMPTOR (buyer beware)


Guys it’s money so perfect it makes powerful people not want to be corrupt anymore! Hopium this strong usually costs more than $5, safe travels boys


"IM NOT A SCAMMER, THIS ISNT A PYRAMID SCHEME" proceeds to pretend bitcoin is a realistic future.


They should let us submit questions for this guy and do a follow up episode.


https://twitter.com/ProCoinNews/status/1587903690668662785 Satoshi's identity is known already by the DoD and Intelligence Agencies. Could have been Peter Theil/Elon Musk, but one thing is for sure. Bitcoin is controlled by the feds.

Stephen seifert

This guy is a pussy. Fuck the bitcoin.


Real fuckin music boys https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqomAmZsbHM&pp=ygUfc3RyYWlnaHQgYW5kIG5hcnJvdyBzYW0gYmFyYmVyIA%3D%3D


Just finished the episode….we went from “you will be able to do anything and be free and hold all of your wealth by memorizing 12 words” to “if you want to afford expensive stuff you’ll still have to get a loan and probably have to hand over your keys as collateral”. This is dumb as fuck.


Home boy didn’t get into how the market dictates the value of goods and services which is what drives all this shit or what that will look like in a BTC utopia. Not to defend the masters, but we’ve had thousands of years of economic evolution to get to the point we are in. Our currency system glues all of this together and there’s more realistic ways we could fix the existing system as opposed to going back to the barter system with digital currency. This was sloppy and my bullshit meter has been peaking all day. Dude keeps bouncing from a fantasy new world with a de regulated digital central currency to making money with bitcoin….usd money….I think Crypto has a place as a rogue commodity the slaves can use to garner wealth without the masters being involved but it can’t take over the existing structure in a lifetime. It would take hundreds of years to completely replace currency with this 1 alternative and get it stable. Chances are a serious asteroidal impact will occur before then.


Y’all ever look into Apophis? Fucker could wipe out the west coast and he’ll be passing within 18,000 miles of Earth in 2029. If he is deviated and passed through a keyhole he’ll come back in 2036 and hit. Not a planet killer but definitely a global disruptive event. Maybe we can blow it up with Bitcoin.


In always feening for a new episode the third day after a release. I saw a rumor the boys were out in Cali with Matt and Shane. Are we getting a MSSP x WM ep this week?


U all sound so gay shut up


Listened to a little more. Bitcoin does solve some actual problems, but doesn't solve all problems and has particular problems. Fixed money, like gold, had problems too (there were even larger booms and busts than today while gold was the standard). Paul has the mindset that it's a perfect thing, because his head is so much in it. Spud and Billy took it down very quickly with "what happens when I want to take your bitcoin?" and Paul has nothing. Spud's right to point something like that out, it's a real issue in the libertarian/anarchist mindset. But more immediately, Bitcoin can't become anything close to a reserve currency because people hodl and it's not used nearly enough. What I've posted about the Eurodollar - that's already something that has run wild, way out of control of the fed and bankers. Spud/Bill never stop using your common sense, as you did here, when faced with this techno-wizardry shit. It has promise but only in narrow confines that keep it from being what's actually needed. Shit will hit the fan in 6 to 12 months, probably closer to 6 or less, with more bank failures and possibly worse recession than 2008. Can't suggest what to do for you boys or WM dawgs, but I largely went to cash (money market or treasuries) after March last year, after Russia/Ukraine war.


Oh yeah, and there are other ways that the regime may institute social credit other than by a CBDC (which experts say the Fed/powers that be aren't even seriously looking at), namely by getting people freaked out enough by these bank failures to make people want their deposits covered by the FDIC. Fed control over deposits = centralized, meaning they can implement social credit type measures on anyone even without a CBDC. Thing to watch is Fed increase in control of any and all banking working with a roll-out of point of sale software. As it is with point of sale info - they know you spent, say, $20 bucks at some store, restaurant, etc. They don't yet have the tracking software to know if you bought a beef burrito as opposed to an "environmentally friendly" and "sustainable" soy-faggot fake-meat burrito. You get deducted points for the real meat, you get social credit for eating the soy. Or they track your gasoline purchases. Already, the energy companies on the West Coast are sending messages to utilities customers on how their rate of energy usage is good or bad, also "SMART meters" it's already being rolled out in various ways. Do your best to avoid them or organize to fight such invasions of privacy.


Broskie said BTC will end fiat currency….buuuutttttt…..according to the internet (which BTC is dependent upon) “Fiat money is a type of currency that is not backed by a commodity, such as gold or silver. It is typically designated by the issuing government to be legal tender.” So BTC is a fiat currency as well lol


I am once again screaming into the void hoping you hear me Spud and Bill. Listen close, stop having guests unless there last name is McCusker or one or Spuds elusive characters like the French.


How bout some shorter eps. A 22 min ep would be perfect.


My boys need to hop on Fountain.fm to claim their podcast and start earning satoshis without having to pay for them. I am sure they have a bunch of listeners ready to send boosts (sats) and stream Bitcoin while listening.


I will send the first bag of dicks boost, 111,111 satoshis when they do.


Bitcoin works

African Rose

KYS https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1682620549667984.webm


Who is this Autist preaching about internet money?


Hi, fellow autist here. All these crypto preachers have nice arguments, but they are built on shaky ground. Money doesn't make sense? At all? Or it just doesn't work perfectly FOR YOU? Yes, there is hidden taxes - welcome to society, it's always been a thing, and society is improving or at least static, so why is money broken? I agree it doesn't only serve you, and serves some elites much more, but does that mean it's broken? This guy is right, there is a lot of unfunded liabilities on the US dollar, but there is also a lot of intangible asset value related to the dollar to can offset those liabities on the US balance sheet. Convenient no one ever brings that up. What intangible asset value or "goodwill" am I talking about? It's the US brand and influence... the guns, the threats, the global power. It keeps people in line and using the US dollar. This is how the Fed can afford to devalue the dollar each year (inflation). People are talking about the fading value of the US dollar, but it's still the overwhelming currency used for world trade - well over 80% of all global trade is done in US dollars. This guy's argument that code and pass codes are free speech is flimsy. Has there been a Supreme Court ruling on this? Could that ever change? Ok, let's say it never changes, and you pretend you forgot your pass key to your crypto/btc so the government can't take it: they can still put you in jail until you remember. It happens all the time to people that can't pay their government bill/fines/court rulings. Also, even if code is free speech and is protected by the government, is the internet a right? No. Is electricity a right? No. Does the government have supreme influence over the companies that control those two utilites? Yes. Is the government already censoring and controlling the "free speech" code that makes up the internet? Yes. To say the government can't shut off your access to your internet money, or your freedom, at the drop of a hat is naive. Look at Waco and the countless examples of the federal government bullying citizens for their selfish gain.


I forgot to add that I don't think crypto/btc is worthless - it has some value and use. I just don't think it will be overthrowing the USD in the next 2/3 generations (rest of my life). BUT the the federal government will never accept anything besides USD for payment of taxes, and they can bully states to only accept USD too. They have no interest in supporting a currency they do not control. That means there will always be very high demand for USD. If you refuse to pay your taxes in USD, you're going jail or going to have to hide.


Its worthless because it is no longer attached to any rare material. The government can create however much they want out of thin air


I understand that, but that's been true for 50 years since Bretton Woods Agreement ended. And yes, the US empire will not last forever, but until then, the USD is a very usable currency - therefore not worthless. Eventually it will be worthless, but we don't know when the empire ends. If the US empire abruptly ends today, will there be a usable power grid and internet tomorrow to access your bitcoin? Why doesn't anyone address these risks? Bitcoin has value because our current infrastructure, built on and regulated by the USD system, allows it function. I'm not saying btc/crypto is worthless, I'm just saying it probably can't standalone or w/o the stability of a currency like USD. In some ways, btc and USD are more similar than people want to admit. Like, the government can't just print unlimited dollars either, or there will be hyperinflation and ruin the US empire. They are both made up concepts people choose to believe in.


Inflation gives the government and corporations control over workers. The people making these decisions benefit from inflation.


Very true - I don't like it either. The current system is absolutely helping the people at the top stay at the top. BTC can errode that a bit, but I don't think it is likely to end that dynamic. It's probably a good idea to invest some portion of cash savings into bitcoin or other reliable crypto - betting on a single currency is risky. So really cash savings should be diversified beyond just USD and BTC, like into metals, commodities, and other stores of wealth because we can't predict the future. This is exactly what heavily sanctioned countries like Russia do so they can continue to operate their global trade operations. I just don't think BTC is a realistic end-all-be-all like its hyped up to be, but I think it could be a valuable thing to people for a very long time.

African Rose

Imagine a central bank not just buying all the bitcoin in circulation with their endless supply of monopoly money. Then they would just wait you out and buy up the leftovers. Or them paying lobbyists and congress to push laws that regulate it or ban it totally. Because we are nothing like china right now right?.....right? Buy guns...do press ups...no condoms...kids in catholic school...no college funds...military service or fuck off.


Bitcoin is fine.. but think8ng it eill ejd war is truly hilarious. Be weary of anyone who says something can fix all things.


Fuck yes dude — absolutely hands down one of the best casts in the catalog


The bros are writing essays


It's all number magic shit and it's all very gay. I just want to go back to swapping bags of salt around. Love that memory.


WARMODE y’all slippin


homeboy should spend some time in the real world


Ok, so enough about Bitcoin homos, focus some attention on all of the wars, deaths, subterfuge, drama, broken families and broken lives, over millennia, entirely due to women not admitting that they get horny. Of course, a natural man living according to natural law, enjoys the comforts and chastity of the demure, feminine woman. This is why so many Western men like the way of the traditional Asian woman. They're still acting, too, but it's a better balanced social role-play; more give and take. Everything on the board and all out in the open, as pushed by the marxist commie faggots has created a terrible mess - a mess on par with the aftermath of a 98 lb. girl's ride on a 5" circumference dragon dido exiting her prolapsed bootay. These non-traditional, woke virus infected Western women want men to take back control, put them in their rightful place. It is the real, the actual "great reset" that is needed.


Hey mr. Spud and bill make more eps like the Terry Reid one


Do an ep on the Philadephia Experiment, please. Thank you Bill and Andrew.

African Rose

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBF1czRX8WE watch it

Big Bob

Quit being faggots and do video


Fag Mode


NO Mode.

Gay Nazi Jew Demon

Need my pallet cleansed with some good old fashion war mode. Hurry tf up this last one made me gay af


Bill and Spud sorry everybody was mean to you but please release podcas


It's funny that Spud is going in on crypto but they're both against stocks. If you think the rich/elite run the world, like ik you both do, and they have most of their money in stocks, wouldn't you think the stock market is rigged to go up? Instead, you put money where some of the rich have a portion of their money as a hedge


Billy we know your busy biting and wrestling your buddy Shane hopefully you at least had the fellas on the cast


Great point. But in general, it seems like Spud and Billybo have almost no understanding of the financial system. In the ep, they said "banks are being bailed out" when really no bank has been bailed out... since 2008. Banks have FAILED, and depositors have been bailed out. Some of THE depositors are giant, well funded businesses that were above the insured Deposit amount - which is weird, new, and worth discussing if it is correct. But that insurance deposit program has been bailing out depositors for 90yrs. But no banks have been bailed out, all those businesses have lost basically all their value: stock investors have been wiped out, some of the bank credits have been wiped out, the executives and board members (who are responsible for the failures) are our of their current jobs. This is very different than in 2008, when there was little to no repercussions to all the parties responsible and in positions to gain. That was just one excrutiating example during the ep. I love the boys, esp Spud, but they should bring on an opposing party to fairly debate the topics. And their moderation and questions would make it interesting and funny af. They need some help with the basics. Just my 2 cents.


where new free ep?


Indeed but unlike 2008/09, the big banks are getting stronger. The regional banks that took on too much interest rate risk are failing and the bank banks are gobbling them up. Most of deposits are with big banks so this a much smaller risk then 08/09


I wouldn't advise them to invest in individual stocks, like SVB, but overall stock market like a S&P500 or Nasdaq 100 etf


bore mode, fuck you doin boys?


Cry harder, these guys don’t have to do shit and they put this stuff out stop fucking complaining


Dildo Joe: “i would never give away my bitcoin for an inferior asset” DJ 5 mins later: “i buy non-sulfate wine and bison with my bitcoin”


nah, i pay for once a week. good luck gettin billy to touch ur pp though 🙏🏻📿


no cast yet b/c Spud left his wallet in El Segundo and he's gotta get it, he got, got to get it.


This comment is for the Man on the Moon Spotify ep…Kenneth Anger is 96 years years old and still with us. He cursed Zep and still live long time. One word: Adrenochrome


Listening to this from Jekyll island rn, I’m a former employee of the Jekyll island club where the federal reserve meeting was held. What do you want to know?


just happy to be here


ha. do you guys believe that losses are not being socialized ultimately? knowledgeable people I follow say the crisis opening up now could be much worse than the GFC. Either way, consolidating banking market is not good for the normal citizen and is another way to herd the masses into a social credit system eventually.


"Could be" worse, anything is possible. It is unlikely due to the increased regulations on big banks. Notice all the systematically important banks are in good shape. Whether losses are socialized isn't the point, the point I was making is if you think the stock market is rigged for the rich, why not invest? Notice the market caps of giant companies, who owns the stock? It's not poor people.

African Rose

Emailing merch store now sending tom an audio set up and will venmo him for an episode with his wife and their drug experiences. Its an hour of tom just giving yes or no's on if something is chill a vibe is beat or is gay.


On average, how many times do you get fucked in your ass (yearly)?


Thanks for the white pill episode

Coinberg Goldenstein



No cast cause Spud and Billy are sitting in a Tijuana jail cell


Went to TJ so spud could get some stem cells. Things didn’t turn out as planned


RIP war mode, it was a good run boys


wait wtf


Whore mode

Howling Man

Can Spud just do a solo cast from now on? Get rid of Bill.


Word on the skreet theres gonna be a Bam Margera appearance next week


I think of the Patreon subscription as a monthly donation to solve schizophrenia. Hope we find the cure fellas


The return is going to be glorious.

Howling Man

the bloom is def off the rose


Come back to us, brothers.

Coinberg Goldenstein



Well, I just said fuck it and went down to the Home Depot lot and picked up two day workers to do a pod for me in the comfort of my own home. They're not that funny, they keep asking me "comida?" and I don't understand Mexican or Salvadorean or whatever they speak but at least they said they'd come back next week if they don't get deported - - which sounds more promising than spudly and bill at this point. God bless.


As down the glen one Easter mourn' to a city fair rode I. There'ere armed lines of marching men in squadrons passed me by. No pipe did hum no battle drum did sound its loud tattoo. But the angelic bells o're the levee swells, rang out in the foggy dew.




I miss my boys but they’ve earned a little vacay in the desert. They better be doin some peyote


Some come here to complain, some come here to praise, all are gay.


Blessed coke ep


That was aight.




Neocons didn't really originate with Alan Dulles - it was kind of a reaction coming out of a group of Trotskyists. Trotsky and this group (notably James Burnham, Irving Kristol, Podhoretz) were against what Stalin was doing domestically and with foreign policy but more important, legacy-wise, they believed in "permanent revolution." What that means or came to mean with US foreign policy was the neocon imposition of "democracy" to countless other nations around the globe (think regime change wars, IMF strong-arming policy on developing nations) and, probably, the constant chaos of psy-ops and taking advantage of crises - Shock Doctrine, Economic Hitman, etc. Funny around that time quite a few people who would later shape various factions of conservatism went from being socialists or Marxists to right wing. In large part, like Trotsky or James Burnham, they saw what Stalin did with the USSR and didn't like it, so it was a reaction against that and, later in the 60s, against the New Left. Burnham is an interesting figure, he was OSS ("Political and Psychological Warfare" division of the Office of Policy Coordination) and planned some of the coup in Iran against Mohammad Mosaddegh; setting the table for decades of instability and "permanent revolution - imposed democracy" in the Middle East. It's correct to say he would have worked with Dulles in a cold war strategy of actively trying to fight back or undermine the spread of communism/socialism world wide. If the New Left was Neo-Marxists discouraged by the failure of Soviet Communism, as Breitbart said, then these guys were kind of a fascist (corporate-govt or "public-private" partnership) wing of U.S. deep state goals. Burnham correctly predicted that blue collar workers would be disenfranchised way back in 1941 (see "The Managerial Revolution", 1941), with basically what we have today - a managerial class of highly educated cunts who are seen as "experts." Experts doesn't always mean people who know wtf they're talking about - it's devolved to mean more of a gate-kept class = go to good school, get professional job, only considers others who are professionals as having a real voice in society, looking down on others. I think Spud even mentioned this kind of thing in a previous cast = the hoity-toity WASPs all did the Ivy league deal and then that was promoted to the middle class with kind of shitty results at this point - see Peter Turchin's concept of "overproduction of elites." Burnham also has another book that many of the Neo-Reaction crowd likes called "The Machiavellians" which describes how power really works. Kind of crazy how an ex-Marxist can become a formative figure in American Conservative thought and policy, huh? It goes to show that these psychos aren't so interested in communism vs. fascism (which are both statist-socialist) but whatever will work for totalitarian control. CCP China is an example - they want the managed capitalist market with heavy social control over slave citizens.


what noo wayyy!

General Willard

Learned a lot from this, thanks bro. Unrelated to your comment but please check this out https://rumble.com/v2o7ad2-streaming-with-laurie-gagan-prions.html


I'll take a look. Want a rabbit hole into prions? Research was done by a gross little freak named Dr. Daniel Carleton Gajdusek. Gajdusek researched Kuru and Creutzfeldt–Jakob diseases and was a pioneer researcher on prions, the abnormal folding of proteins (also linked to the debilitating effects of Mad Cow disease). Gajdusek was a fairly open pedo, there was even a youtube video of him admitting to it and thinking there was nothing wrong with it. There was some evidence linking Gajdusek with other deep state type figures possibly linked to Haitian child trafficking and The Son of Sam murders. There was some dude on yt named Manny who did some deep dives into all the weird stuff around Yonkers, NY and the SOS killings. Gajdusek was connected to that. Pertinent link on Gajdusek > > https://www.nytimes.com/1996/04/06/us/nobel-laureate-is-accused-of-child-abuse.html


Oh forgot to mention the speculation on this: if Gajdusek was dirty with child molestation crap, or deep state stuff and studying how brain debilitating diseases could be manipulated - the speculation could be that CIA/deep state were/are working on some bio-weapon that would cause mass disease in humans. Younguns might not remember the Mad Cow disease problems that happened in the UK, but it was pretty crazy (you could probably still find vids of that online) just from eating diseased beef, people would get a condition where their brains essentially melted. So, if the deep state is working on prions as a bio weapon, they could introduce it to the US meat stock, otherwise they could also infect US cattle to basically destroy the industry such that NO ONE can eat beef for fear of getting the disease. There are some evil fuckers putting this shit out. Support your local farmers, follow Thomas Massie's Prime Act and try to help/support Amish or other farmers who don't want to abide by the USDA (currently there's a fight on over this with the PA, Lancaster Co. Amish farmer, Amos Miller.


I like cock


Does anyone know who the 'Frenchman' is that spud refers to (not in this episode, but in a couple others) ?




New episode is fire! Enjoy those travels you were talking about. Very deserved


I'm in college full time and work part time. Recently got suspended from work for a week for refusing to take off my hat, when other people can wear head coverings for "religious purposes". Anyone willing to help out with a couple bucks to help me get back what I lost?


I know people will say we'll if you unsubscribe from this you'll have a dollar. Smdh




Cashapp $VicariousAtonement


What the fuck am I paying for here


You don’t pay for the pod, stop grifting in the comments fag.


Your hair? Only a bald weirdo would pull something like that.


Gay bill


Gay bill




The Disgusting Brothers must respond.

Coinberg Goldenstein

Hi fellas how the fuck are you? Bill puts cock in his milk like it's cereal




We need a disgusting brothers deep dive on these old disgusting videos. 2g1c guy with jar in ass snake video etc




Is it a Patreon a month now? Genuinely curious

African Rose



Niger is a country in Africa

Coinberg Goldenstein

Hi fellas! Just a daily reminder to treat your body as a temple, to hug your loved ones and to understand that Bill takes it up the ass.


What’s worse? Scamming 1 person out of $20,000 or 20,000 people out of $1? Completely hypothetical and nothing to do with this pod btw.


I'd rather have 20,000 people slightly annoyed with me, than 1 really pissed.


Come on disgusting brothers, hurry up with the EP not like sweet baby billy quit his job for this full time or anything.


Fucking disgusting bruthas


https://twitter.com/Colleennorell/status/1659173467521003521?cxt=HHwWgsC9hczeyIYuAAAA and "This was a news conference that Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz just gave and they played the actual tapes of FBI whistleblowers."

Tae Rolle

Just do a roll call with the fans. You are still small enough that wouldn't be too much trouble and big enough to have a good queue. We don't need a deep dive on everything.


put out paytch guy


Brothers what’s going on with the links being spread around? Can’t give Shaner anymore ammo.

African Rose

Times like this you apreciate schaub. Least the dude tried.

Coinberg Goldenstein

Hi African Rose. I fully agree with your point of view. Also Bill munches fat shlongs from brown people.


Is Big Gay Bill benching? Is that the issue?



Coinberg Goldenstein

When I was a young lad, I used to help arround on my grandfather's farm. One valuable lesson I've learned? Always be careful when you carry eggs! Don't put all your eggs in the same basket! 🤗😃


You guys good?


Congrats! You've unlocked the achievement of fin-domming nearly 10,000 people.


I hate the fact that you guys are so fucking retarded.


Bros star lord doesn’t go to see his dad. It was his grandpop from the first movie he went to go see.


⬆️ 45 Patrons since Monday


When this ep finally drops intermediate bill gonna complain about how he works 27 hours a day even though he doesn’t have job


'Imagine just ONE big win in your life and your just chillin' dude aHAHAHaheheh.' -🌈💵


No hate towards you guys Warmode for life


I know you're reading this, get your weight up pussy.


im starting to make up voices in my head for a warmode paytch

Coinberg Goldenstein

Hi Fedsmoker are you interrested in making more money that you could ever make in your wildest dreams? I've got a proposition for you



Coinberg Goldenstein

God damn this comment section is like a fucking civil war


Does it involve scamming 20000 fst retards foe 1 dollar each a month?


Better fucking cotton-picking believe it ass breath 🎅🏾

Howling Man

when the voices in your head realized it was a war mode "paytch" things changed... the voices in ur head haven't uttered a peep or shown any activity for weeks now


This will hit 1,000 comments easy


Fuck yeah

Coinberg Goldenstein


African Rose


Coinberg Goldenstein

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lfEFh1wNVAw Me when Bill is being mean to former loyal dawgz via burner accounts.

Coinberg Goldenstein

Since you've got Passio on, I'm not mad and gay anymore Bill. Let's call it a truce. Be gentlemany about it.


Billy preemptively admitting he’s a retard was helpful, spud missed the mark


When’s the XRP deep dive


It’s an old ep but …. he (the guest) does not understand the need for a means of exchange to fluctuate with supply and demand. ‘Debase’ as he puts it, will happen naturally if bitcoin’s demand declines. Demand can change as populations increase or decrease (basic understanding or demand needs for a civilization)… obviously other reasons can change demand but an exchange system’s strength is not simply on it being finite. I’m no green hippie but carbon tax crypto and it’s close to if not worthless. Mining and running of these GPUs is crazy. This shit was for pedos. Block chain cool … maybe …. but also big brother shit recording all your transactions. Buy silver or gold buddy.




The supply can be finite, and the value will fluctuate based on the market. Your way allowed inflation/debasement, the Bitcoin way is a function of the market. There’s already enough Bitcoin to cover the entirety of the market, it’s divisible by 100 million


And hour and 56 minutes in “fed you can talk whenever you want” 😂😂