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Merle Haggard,Jewel-Silver Wings

Pink Floyd- Dogs



where can I find the recording of the two lovers, I have a beautiful woman I want to send this off to.


Ill tell the dawgs that i stopped a dudes heart with a bruce lee type punch in 2012... not a joke. He lived and its more common than we think


YO BILL! If you haven’t turned off the notifications, great fucking show and way to hang in the pocket, keep your cool handlin’ a young rutting buck tryin to bully big Billy. Not in your pop’s jacket. Knot happenin, and definetly naught going down with spud glassin’ in the flank. awesome shit bros


Literally the laziest podcasters I’ve ever come across! Especially after quitting their jobs and just sucking as an extra curricular activity


I am troubled by the lack of the troubles.


I'm so close to canceling this gay ass $5 membership. How hard is it to pitot get her 2 hours of work a week for $20k a month? You two are fucking this up, get your shit together idiots.


Bills blowjob story reminded me of this https://external-preview.redd.it/anon-smacks-a-woman-v0-FIOrGhvpGEvXo_9nI4xsUCeHtrEb2OTn_oPH7s7Y-EM.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=49b38889c984fd973ddb3759d8a53d6b481deb5c

African Rose

Kids taken from detroit school to eat at pizza restaurant that has a strip club lounge. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1pfJHnCqpNI

Howling Man

A decade ago I was in a Goodwill in Cincinnati and a hooker who looked just like Sheri Moon Zombie propositioned me while I looked through old tshirts on the rack. Whenever I see Mrs Rob Zombie in a movie, the flashback to the goodwill comes on intensely.

Howling Man

i was shopping at goodwill, i could not afford a hooker if i tried at that time


do it then pussy. we got two eps in the last week and a guest ep on MSSP. quit bitching


Hmm mssp seems like not war mode? Shut the fuck up retard, go run interference for people that don't give a fuck about you. Suck my dick and kys faggot.


Hey boys, got some shit right here. Listen to the last verse of this unreleased Kanye song, dude is saying some shiz https://open.spotify.com/track/6Fy3FMkxCpxykCtD02sUyr?si=gyETUi9TT368y2l1p8TLfw


Wasn't the bill & Melinda gates foundation originally called the bill & Melinda gates foundation for population control?