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Why the fuck did they cut the intro on the free ep !? Bring it back War Mode


I'm quite disappointed we dont have a community page lol.


In defense of people that missed the podcast (myself included) it has nothing to do with being greedy or some interent troll. I'm driving 6 hours to work every day for the next 3 months. It sucks. WARMODE makes my life a little less shitty. I understand taking a week off. What I dont understand is shitting all over fans and laughing about a refusal to update listeners. Do what thou wilt. I'm letting you know refusing to update the audience feels really bad on a individual level. It truly sucks. If I'm not getting my warmode for the week. okay. But Is it really TOO MUCH for me expect an update?


If you read the complaints in the tone of World War II love letters, the comments are 10X better "I miss you Billy... I need to hear your voice. Please bro, I pay you monthly" 🤣

African Rose

Free episode is out https://warmode.libsyn.com/ radiodawgz can have delays too.

African Rose

Driving 6 hours sounds greatbh. You should probably just sleep in your car until you can move closer to your job.

African Rose

Was not the mans request if you read it. He just wants a courtesy update on delays but I dont do those.


African Rose, pssssh, more like Alfrican Rose you hairy goorilla

Howling Man

realized bill is cutting HHH wwe promos lately on the fans


Does Jesus tell you when he will return? The enlightened beings don’t know time to be linear they just are, where they show up in your time line is irrelevant.


To disrespect the Dawg is to commit treason, watch what you say


Warmodes the shit. The podcast will definitely succeed, if you guys hang in there. I found you guys through Matt and Shane. You only have 30k less patreon than them. All my friends love you guys. The haters are waaaaay more loud than the people who love you guys. Trust me. Yall do what's right for you. Much love and thanks for the episodes.

Austin Jordan

CIA podcast that just came out? Langley files. Produced by the CIA.

Austin Jordan

If you wanna bitch about your new commute to work and needing updates start your own podcast. Your making the fans who don't get on here just to bitch and moan look bad


weaving spiders come not here I am here to guard to Boyz from any who dear to commit evil against them.

African Rose

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HlUKk_eOI14 Whats more dangerous biden geezed out or coherent shot up with adrenachrome.

African Rose

The real CIA or deep state was transfered from bush senior down to obama who is still running ops now. Very old men with very old contacts still poppin off.

Austin Jordan

Well this CIA pod is taking propaganda to a whole new level. Not even trying to disguise it. Wild


What if the danger is in the fact that he appears two different ways, the libs only show him when he is shot up and the republicans only show him geezed out, pushing the two further apart and making reality impossible to agree on. Nothing is a mistake the ops go deeper than we can imagine.

Howling Man

After Bill was so mean in the last episode, I've decided to take my patreon pledge over to the CIA's podcast - they appreciate me


That’s what I’m saying, deep state and cia are only people that win if the only country can’t agree on anything

African Rose

The hegelian dialectic has been in place ever since the US incurred a national debt for international investments and trade. The second your masonic founding fathers did that the two party democratic republic eroded. And once again the illusion of choice given to the plebbian masses was taken away and given to banking houses that bank rolled the very people you fought for independence.


What is that beautiful haunting tune on the free episode???