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Naked Eye- Promises, Promises

Wang Chung- Dance Hall Days



Spud, I wish we could hang out in real life man. I pray for you daily to find Bae, start a family and be as domesticated as you want to be!


Every name spud mentioned Is on this one alleging post by Aaron Kesel… https://themillenniumreport.com/2019/10/the-octopus-inslaw-promis-software-scandal-and-those-killed-by-its-tentacles/


I like the way spud spent the first phase of the cast complaining about being poor and loving work, now he complains about having to do work 🤣🤣


Great ep keep it up stop reading the comments also all of us are complete retards and have nothing of value to say to you

Coinberg Goldenstein

I listenned to the last free cast and spudd seems to have changed his attitude for the best. Good for him.


I'm just a fucking PAYPIG for the cast dude. Easily my favorite pod rn.


I'm a week behind but this was posted on my bday 😎


Anyone else having the show downloaded with the Chapo trap House artwork?


Spud whining about having to do a podcast while Bill laughs makes my day


I'm gonna gay out on Louis CK for a minute because Spud triggered me: I don't think people really understand how genius that dude is. I consider him maybe the great philosopher of our time ("Everything's amazing and nobody's happy"). But damn, for real, the show Louie was always dark as fuck. I've watched it like 3 times. Go back and watch Lucky Louie too. That show will crush a married dude. He's saying what everyone's thinking, especially if you're at that part of your life where you realize more of your life is behind you than is ahead (30s, 40's). Horace and Pete was a fucking dark masterpiece too. You owe it to yourself to rewatch that shit. I would be saying all of this even if he didn't also do like 8 incredible standup specials and totally change the game by selling his shit DIY on his website. It was truly a work of God that Shane and Louie struck up a friendship. Louis CK is the greatest comedian of all time and it's not even close, but he's much more than that. Patrice was on the same level, but couldn't match the sheer output.


Dude shilled for hildawg and his jokes about his daughters pussy are a bridge too far.


We've had this argument before bro, and I love ya. And you ain't wrong, but people learn from their mistakes. Getting "cancelled" was good for Louie just as it was for Shane. It totally eliminated him from any kind of existence in that DNC cesspool pasty white Patton Oswalt dork world. Can you imagine how gay Shane would be if he got SNL?


Louie is the real GOAT. Chappelle is cool but he kinda thinks his shit doesn't stink.


He's from the lost tribe, i think their feces is scentless actually


No pod?

luke Crant


Messy Marv

Outro song triggering vivid GTA vice city memories