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Just the general Vibe. More to come.



Does spade ever give the name of the second doc mentioned around 4 minutes ??


Damn no p2


need p2


Plz put part 2 on the paytch dawgz. 🙏


Pt 2 zaddy?

Moby D

221_A *


Is that funny that the one plane that we know wasn’t a plane had a black box? They knew they had to sell that one, and somehow the plane would’ve withstood double the speed at that altitude/atmospheric pressure.


Some days I think about Silverstein and wonder what the dudes he sent to the kill floor did to piss him off and if he even can prove he had a dermatologist appointment. He just happened to miss that day and schedule a meeting in the restaurant at the top. Imagine him being late and the dudes just talking shit about him behind his back before getting clapped by a plane. Also... sure their widows know if they had a bad working relationship with ol larry...


whats the song at the end? shit had me going. its called "this is the sea" by the waterboys


Pt 2 drops today? A 🐶 can dream


Where’s p2?


I'm a fire fighter In maryland. My dad was stationed in d.c when 9/11 happened . We go through a lot of schooling about building collapse, impact and heat. I garuntee you alot of firefighters in New York are skeptical of the story after 343 fire fighters and an additional 90 cops emts and First responders. These evil fucks don't care about any of us and the families they fuck up.


Dec 7 and no pt2. I need more. You guys are killing it though, would definitely like to hear more focused episodes on 1 subject with good sources brought in to help teach people whats up.


my best friend's a ff/medic in moco and he's 90% pilled now thanks in large part to 9/11 and the weirdness with how it went down.


The thing about hijackings prior to 9/11 is they would fly to Cuba and then everyone went home. Some of these people may just think it’s an inconvenience


Where's the part 2 ? In the first few minutes they mention another documentary . Where is it ? What's it called . I know 9/11 the new pearl harbor but what's the other ?