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sat down and talked and talked to a beast

for some reason we were getting crushed with tech difficulties so sorry for any audio fuck ups. This is what happens when youre over the target .

Traffic - dear Mr Fantasy

Steve Winwood- Were all Looking


Kyle from Ohio

Just remembered the epi where some dude was telling Billy and Spud about these gay ass tiki nft things, anyone know what happened to that dude and his tiki scheme since?


Spud: I suck at video… Must be electricity’s fault. Billy: Yooo! I booked a guest! = great podcast!


Got 41 minutes in. NFM

Gay Nazi Jew Demon

Billy, I used “my source is: I made it up” at work today. No one thought it was funny. They were actually unhappy that was my response.


What’s this guys name?


I'm cumming

Rick Underwood

Post a link to the podcast you guys first heard kruse on.

Rick Underwood

Also do one podcast a week. Come on man..,

Daniel Faust

What is the syndrome that is mentioned multiple times


This guy is a retard btw


What a fucking wankstain this guy is. Came in hot like a sack of shit on fire.