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Drop Kick murphy- Im shipping up to boston

Wing- Dancing Queen


Jammy Yangus

When a dude is enemies with literally everyone that usually means he's the fucking problem. He probably did invent email but dudes a narcissist and therefore delusional. Big ol' grain of salt on this bad boy


Cool song Bill..

Kellen Dougherty

I think Shiva is that dude Mr. Spiro, “New York, Manhattan”. They definitely have the same autism


Repost: Scuffed Realtor, nick is ready he asked for you gents. (* - *) Let's ride boys

Harold Plums

Great cast. Also, this dude loves to talk about sucking cock and his contrarian grift is the standard gay race communism with a slightly different flavor. “Everyone else is gay, buy my book, I totally invented something ubiquitous, let’s seize the means of production, white guys were racist to me, make me president.”

Moms for Sam Hyde

Fun interview This dude says whitey and cracker in other company. Likely annoys his company. He’s caught in a weird loop. Best of luck to him explaining everyone sucks dick and he’s a great leader


spud fumbling a based raw milk girl... brutal

Elizabeth Craig

Where is the first part of this pod?


This cast is dead. Just go be gay house flippers

John Zipf Jr.

Where do I find the first interview? Can’t find it anywhere


“Immigrants built America” No. Settlers did. White settlers. And of all the immigrants brought in during the time between 1776 and america becoming a superpower, 99% of them were white. This guy is just plain wrong about immigration but he’s just looking out for other brown people so I can’t hate on him too bad for that