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So are your old friends. Who's your bestie? :)

I also added the "failed" first version of the art that pissed me off xD And I decided to redraw it and I'm satisfied now


And below are some boring IRL details in case if you're interested

I've started the process of changing my legal status in the USA and it's taking a lot of time and energy, it also puts some legal restrictions on me and it's one of the reasons I'm not really active here (or anywhere else).  Along with that the bs is still going on in Ukraine and Russia, both my friends and family are in these countries and it's a constant worry, I can't wait when this idiotic, horrible war is going to be over. Ugh. Stupid Russia should've never started it, ever. But blahblah won't fix anything sadly.

But anyway, I'm gonna be back when I'm able to! Please take care and thank you for staying with me during all this time!




Who left the door open?!

Paul Defenbaugh

Serious Creepshow vibes.. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/5a/c9/b85ac946aa37d37efc546f10a843c9cc.jpg