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So you know about the laptop situation https://www.patreon.com/posts/57453880

It had a continuation. I wanted to return the red-orange-screen laptop to the store where I bought it, so I went there. Their website said I can return any product within 30 days after buying.

And immediately got a sour face from the local manager when I mentioned the returning. He sent me to the other dude who was supposed to check items before returning, along with saying "If you find anything, don't return it!". You realize I can hear you, right? So the dude started looking at the laptop, thoroughly, with a very serious face, looking at every side of it, every part - while the manager was standing behind my back, and both of them were exchanging stares like "Found anything? No? Lame..."

It all took around 15 minutes, all this time I was silently standing there and watching this muppet show. In the end, the checking dude made a very sad face and said that he found two dents and three scratches on the screen, so they can't accept it. And he started showing me something, and it was hard to tell, because there was no proper lighting, no source of light nearby either. "How did they appear there?", I asked. "I only used it for two days and kept it turned off and closed this entire time." He said he doesn't know, but he tried to wipe off the scratch with a piece of fabric, It stayed there, so I took the laptop and went home, full of confused thoughts.

When I got home, I opened the laptop near the window so I can see the screen better in the natural light - and didn't find anything))))))))))))) An entirely smooth screen, not a single scratch there or a friggin' dent. How surprising, considering that I didn't use it. 

I contacted the support of the store and left a complaint and a demand to return my money. On the different sources, basically everywhere where they had a representative. All they did was saying "Oh we'll see what we can do" and ignoring me after it, not reading any messages or telling me anything, absolute zero. I got really mad to be honest. So I decided to file a complaint on the higher level, the Rospotrebnadzor (it's a governmental organization that controls purchasing and production of goods)

And when I was collecting info on the Rospotrebnadzor website and how to file complaints, I found the law, our official governmental law, saying that I can't return "technically complex products" if they have a guarantee for a year a more. The laptop is considered a "technically complex product" and I have a year guarantee. Basically I couldn't return it from the beginning, and not a single soul in their stupid ass store mentioned anything about it. Either they don't know any laws they're supposed to know because they work in retail, or they're deceiving their clients on purpose, not saying any nuances about "technically complex products" on their website. Or maybe it is there, hidden somewhere with a very small font. It's still deceiving. And why nobody mentioned it right away and why they had to make up this bs with the scratches - I don't understand, except if they really don't know the laws and think that their clients are stupid and won't check anything.

In any case, this is Russian service for you. And this month just keeps on giving




Urgggh, I'm so sorry that you've had to go through all of this frustration. First the computer doesn't work, then the retailers are misleading about the "scratches", and finally you aren't even allowed to return it at all? >.< Don't these stores want continued business from doing their jobs and pleasing their customers, especially during a pandemic? XP~ to them. I hope that something really good happens to balance the remainder of October out for you ASAP; anything that keeps Heather from having to look like the Grinch (THOSE EYES). The "Free hugs with a cactus" shirt is a brilliant response to all that chaos, BTW. (I need one of those too.)


Seriously, is that a real shirt design? If not, you need to market the design and make enough money to buy out that computer store and close it. REVENGE

Paul Defenbaugh

Windows based machine? Check your color Temperature Settings. tinted orange sounds like the temp is set low. (Maybe blue light filter is turned on as well?)


It's not that, this worked with all the other machines I had. This one is flawed like that and Lime and I spent several days trying different options, there's nothing you can do except literally changing the screen. I have a post about it https://twitter.com/natalie_corsair/status/1449042750507294720?t=4NvsGjY-GRZdM7vu2F3XKA&s=19


Thank you. And yes, they don't care as long as they have profit, and even laws aren't really on the regular people's side. Moscow is giant, their chain is giant, losing even a couple of thousands clients is not a big deal for them. But I'm gonna make sure to warn as many people as I can.


That's such a bummer omfg :/! Shame on them and their laziness. I hate incompetency


November's gonna be better. 😏👀