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(frames should be fixed now; also have animated one on the server)

I planned to upload it earlier, but was too busy, then got swirled away by the other art I've been drawing, so my brain exploded. Sorry lol

As you can see, she didn't get too upset that her meal is no longer a meal. She's actually happy to see that somebody who isn't a bandit or a psycho is alive. This is also not the first time she's seeing him >:) but it's the first time he gets a (horrifying) glimpse of her. She recognized him, that's why she's glad he isn't dead.

I drew the part of the comic explaining how she's seen him before already, but I had to scrap the frames I drew before it, so you'll have to wait a little bit. In total, I drew around 80 frames and honestly got tired %)) even though many of them take place in the same location, overall drawing comics is a huge work that I enjoy (in this format), but I think I need a break for now.

Also, as I mentioned here, I drew a part of them just hanging around Pandora and before they started dating. I think I'm gonna upload this comic next, it was a lot of work, too, and I want you to embrace it xD

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five




That middle panel in the strip with Vaughn's POV is fantastic. :-D


OOOH! This transitioning is great! Like even more so that he probably thinks her having feathers and wings was a hallucination