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Let's imagine I'm able to draw a cartoon like that. Would you watch it? 😏

(it's a continuation of my previous exercise, and I feel a bit more confident in this style now )

UPD: I added one more frame to break the association that they were shooting the frog xD It was never a plan, and they'd never do that.

I had sketches for these for a while, and it took some time to finish. I also wanted a couple of more frames, but don't have energy for it at the moment (so most likely I'm going to update the post later). Right now I decided to show Hedwig's regular Pticenoga form + her human form

- First frame is about frogs who are looking for some juicy grubs you can fry (and that taste like chicken). Nasty? Yeah, but it's Pandora, I thought something like that would fit. According to my idea, these frogs are almost like truffle pigs %)
- Second frame is about walking around and finding typical Pandorian psycho & bandit stuff. Totally normal.
- Third frame is about Vaughn showing her that he can shoot. Though this gun isn't the best choice for a sneak attack (so I imagine there would be some noisy bandit battle after), there was nothing else they could find xD It was a success still. Also, Vaughn wanted a Reaver's Edge sniper rifle, so they'd have to find it eventually



Susan Gist

Totally would watch!!!


There's a good range of moods in each of these clips. Man I would watch the shit out of this.