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Okay, this one is a bit heavy. I've seen this dream where my long gone cat is visiting me again, and finally I had the guts to address it in art.

I've lost both people and a pet, and either time it was hard. But here I want to focus on the pet part, my cat Myava, who I've had since I was 10 years old. She was a kitten when I saved her from a gang of older boys trying to toss her to a very angry local guard dog. That dog killed other animals before, that's how it was trained, and it would rip Myava apart if I didn't intervene.
She was a smart and cautious cat, and only my mom and I were allowed to touch her. If we were happy, she'd be around, showing attention - but not too much, as she liked her space. If we were upset, she'd always come and try to cheer us up with meowing and head rubbing.
She lived 16 years and died from cancer in 2017. Since then, I occasionally see dreams about her coming and hanging out with me. These dreams are especially vivid when I'm going through some hard time, and I can feel her warmth, her weight in my arms and can hear her purring and meowing. There even were cases when both my mom and I've seen her visiting at the same night. Particularly, it happened to us after my dad passed away.
The recent dream was short and nice. I was in my grandma's place (she died almost 3 years ago) and I heard her talking on the background, and Myava was there and wanted me to pet her - so I did. This dream inspired this comic.




I have dreams like this of my dog. He too was taken by cancer in 2017. This immediately had me choked up. I'm so sorry for you loss, Myava will always be with you.

Riley Fox

We lost my family dog really suddenly this week. He was 11, lived with us basically his whole life. I'm patiently waiting for my visit. I'm very glad you get yours 💙


I'm very sorry for your loss, and I bet he had a marvelous life with you. And it's going to happen eventually