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Shane Jeffery

Great choice of movie. Underrated here. But enjoyed the reaction!

Joe Rafferty

I'll admit that this film took me a few goes to appreciate, so I understand the lukewarm rating you gave it. As a Brit from the North of England, I have a huge pet peeve when it comes to the Cockney/Geezer gangster genre because they're usually a load of rubbish made by people shamelessly ripping off Scorsese, Tarantino and early Guy Ritchie; but unfortunately they somehow keep getting made. I feel like this film actually tried to break that mould and raise the bar for what UK films can achieve if filmmakers/writers actually put in more effort. Also, having seen Ray Winstone in films like Scum, Nil By Mouth and The War Zone, if going into Sexy Beast you'd told me I'd end up being more intimidated by Ben "Gandhi" Kingsley, I would've just laughed at you. Plus, I think that Ian McShane gives a really brilliant menacing performance that's often overlooked because of how much attention is focused on Kingsley. Before Sexy Beast, most people in the UK only really knew McShane from a TV show called Lovejoy, where he played a "likeable but roguish antique dealer" who solves mysteries. So it was uncanny seeing him in a role like this four years before Deadwood came out. While the story isn't the most original, I feel like I'm invested enough in the strength of the characters and performances which I think is where this film shines the most, as a character driven piece. Still enjoyed your reaction guys and catch you on the next one!


Thanks for the pick Joe! I noticed there's a TV show with the same name, and from the poster, looks like the same plot? Have you seen that? - H