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Zachary Paone

I think the best underlying joke of the episode is they clearly couldn’t agree on the plan prior, so Charlie has the leather jacket on, mac has the Indiana Jones hat and Frank has the whip 😂. They probably argued about who would look like Indiana Jones and agreed they would each have a piece of the outfit as a compromise

Jay Davis

The writer for this episode was also one of the main writers for the episode where they got stranded in the woods and Charlie/Dennis hitched a ride to Atlantic City with the trucker. Both episodes were completely away from the bar.

Jay Davis

I also love the continuation of using the word "store" when referring to a place. The hamburger store, the welfare store, etc.


The best part of this episode is the un told, implied joke of the episode. The gang watched Indiana Jones, Dennis gave a passionate influential speech about an artifact that related to Indiana Jones, then frank, Charlie, and Mac decided to get an Indiana Jones costume but couldn’t decide would would wear it so they split the costume up where Mac wore the hat, charlie wore the coat, and frank got the whip. And none of it was ever explicitly explained to us, yet it was all able to be understood due to how well we know the characters and their dynamics.

Maryn Levi

The bloopers for this episode are great

Russian Paul

"pull the trigger!" i love all the dialogue from the mystery family. you guys missed a little bit at the end after the guy she's cheating with says to the daughter "how'd you like it if we could go to disneyland everyday?" "are we going to california? without daddy?!" "I'll be your new daddy" 😂