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Also since I'm pretty drunk, what is Dean's favorite Radiohead album?


It's OKComputer. My favourite album of all time. In Rainbows and The Bends round out the top 3. Been really getting into A Moon Shaped Pool lately though, I wildly underrated it on my first few listens and have only recently started to appreciate it.


OK Computer is the best album to come out in the past 30 years. Yeah I said it!

James Yetter

Whoppers are the dominant malted milk ball in the US.

themoviejourney (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-12 06:13:34 Never heard of them. Wonder how they would compare to our epic MALTEASERS
2023-09-04 03:54:40 Never heard of them. Wonder how they would compare to our epic MALTESERS

Never heard of them. Wonder how they would compare to our epic MALTESERS


You guys have great banter, jib jab