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Bekka Paul

"Don't bait them! They don't like it!" I don't know about everyone else, but I love it hahahahahahaha

Matt D

I absolutely love this episode! It's in my top 10. Interestingly, this is the second episode where Dee goes to the hospital. If you recall, "Dee Has A Heart Attack" was the first one. That particular formula seems to work, because they're both bangers. Also, I could be wrong, but it seems like you all didn't catch on/notice that Ben The Soldier is wearing the same jean shorts that Frank gave to him, when Ben was first introduced. The shorts themselves are kind of a side character. Nearly every time we see Ben, he has those shorts on. That's why Z told Ben "you gotta take 'em off sometimes." With that being said, from Dee & Dennis in the hospital, the nurse, Frank partying with a bunch of the side characters, Mac & Charlie deciding to be dads, and the surrogate call back/Carmen-twist at the end, to the uncharacteristically genuine wholesome moment with Kaitlin & Rob's real son ... I love everything about this episode!