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Matt D

The guy wrestling Da Maniac (Piper) in the beginning is UFC legend, Don "The Predator" Frye. He and Piper were buddies. Also, there is a happy accident in this episode: Piper told the Gang that he would like to do an improvised monologue while he's in the backseat of the cop car; and the Gang said that would be great and to try it out. However, nobody told the extra driving the cop car what was going on. So, when the extra drove off, it caught everyone by surprise. You can hear Piper initially say "wait; wait," but then him and the Gang just rolled with it--Da Maniac saying "I love you;" Charlie saying "I love you too;" & Dennis saying "I don't love him at all." Instead of shooting the scene again, they chose to keep it because they thought it was funny, and also real. To paraphrase Charlie Day on their podcast: a cop isn't going to just sit there and let you talk to your friends while you're arrested and in the backseat. As soon as you start to say something to your friends, they're just going to drive off. Charlie Day is correct. They may let you talk to your mom or spouse for a minute, but your buddies; no. They got things to do, places to be; and they don't give a shit about you or your buddies.

Russian Paul

roddy piper is also well known for his role in They Live john carpenter classic. he was in a lot of other cheesy 80s movies as well. if you guys haven't seen They Live that would be a great one for the channel