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Russian Paul

damn :( no reaction to the best line of the episode haha "come on you old son of a gun and let buster do a line off your boner" lol


that is a good one but i contend the best line is "fellas we're about 6 beers deep"


I mean... he's totally right about the live wires, in a fairly narrow sense that is. You gotta ground yourself to suffer the damages, and air is a freaking amazing insulator. You're in the air and grab one wire? You're probably going to be fine. Two wires with different voltages? That's a noooo. Touching one wire while being grounded (that is, not wearing significantly insulating boots or such)? Also big no-no. It's surprisingly on the less stupid side of things they usually debate, right until the point where they went full gang on us once more, lol.