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Our Star Wars related Mystery Reaction is the classic parody film SPACEBALLS! Enjoy!

We have included the audio of the episode also for a better listening experience, if you are a Platinum+ patron you can sync it to the video reaction for the ultimate viewing experience!



The Rough House Podcast

Dean not laughing at the Colonel Sanders joke makes me think I can't trust his sense of humor.

The Rough House Podcast

1.5 stars? For shame, Dean. The thing about Spaceballs is that even though it was mostly a parody of Star Wars, Mel did included other sci-fi franchises in there so it was more of a genre parody than a franchise one. George Lucas loved it, take from that what you will. In fact, Lucas had to sign off on Mel making it and he obviously did, but under the condition that no merch be sold officially for the movie because George didn't want it cutting into his own merch sales. Personally, I adore this movie - it's one of my all-time favorites. But I grew up watching it on repeat. I think I actually watched Spaceballs before I saw any Star Wars movies. Mel Brooks is a god to me. He helped form my sense of humor, along with Weird Al - noticing a pattern? Sure, not all of the jokes from '87 work today, but it's still a clever send-up of the genre of the time. There's also a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo of the Millennium Falcon at the diner parking lot towards the end.


Yeah I can see watching it from the jump, and not having the endless slew of other parody films come after it would make you love it more 👍🏼