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Hello Patrons! Since we've got together and started recording at Deans, we've really been able to knuckle down a good routine. So we can now look ahead to how we can lock in a release schedule!

So from now on our release schedule will be locked into Tuedays, Thursdays & Saturdays. Thursdays will now become our Ted Lasso day (starting next week) while Tuesdays and Saturdays will be our movie release days (depending if we get one or two movies recorded in that time period)

So for the rest of August we have another 3 Lasso eps to go, as well as Almost Famous, American Beauty and Braveheart, as well as the movie duo of The Shining and Doctor Sleep!

Looking further ahead to September we'll be continuing our Star Wars Saga with the OG trilogy Back to Back to Back! As well as all the other movies we've got on the watchlist! Can't wait for all of it!

Let us know what you're most excited for!

As usual thank you so much to each and every one of you for your support!



Kevin luna

Really looking forward to The Shining and Doctor Sleep

Joe Rafferty

I haven't actually seen either of them, so this will be a first time reaction for me. I don't love The Shining, but I like Stephen King and I've heard good things about Doctor Sleep. Same with Braveheart, it's been on my list of films I need to see but just never got around to it.