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For this episode, we present the audio version of our Livestream For The Cure segment we did, where we pitted Dean, Nick (Mr.Nikoli's Kitchen) Dan (Netflix 'N Swill) & Gerald (Two Peas On A Pod) against each other in our 3rd edition of 'Pod v Pod v Pod v Pod'!

Thanks for being a Patron and we hope you enjoy this early access to the podcast!



Jody Nelson

Here I am half a year later. Haha. Amazed at this guy who hates ‘Children of Men’, ‘Die Hard’, and the ‘Untouchables’. They’re all quality movies. And because he said to comment if anyone has seen Brian De Palma’s ‘Casualties of War’, yes I have, more than once and it’s actually good. Hope you guys continue some fashion of pod v pod. I like taking the tests. I would have done well on this one.

Jody Nelson

And ‘Goodfellas’ is a “piece of shit!?!?” Wow. Haha.