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We've got some Movie Journey stickers to send out into the universe! Give us your Top 5 Movie Trilogies, and whoever gets the closest to our joint Top 5 will win some sweet sweet merch!

This is only for the Facebook Listener Group and Patreon so get involved!



The Rough House Podcast

1. LOTR 2. The Dark Knight Trilogy 3. Star Wars eps IV-VI 4. Captain America 5. The Godfather I don’t classify Kingdom of the Crystal Skull but by your rules it disqualified Indiana Jones, which would have been my #2

The Vern

1 The Before Series(Sunrise, Sunset, Midnight) 2. Romero’s Dead Trilogy(Night of The Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Day of The Dead) 3. Indiana Jones(Raiders of Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, Last Crusade) 4 The Evil Dead ( The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Army or Darkness) 5Toy Story