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Big Changes Coming Up! We Need Your Help!

  • The Movie Challenge Podcast - Yellow & Black 0
  • The Movie Challenge Podcast - Green & White 1
  • The Movie Journey Podcast - Yellow & Black 10
  • The Movie Journey Podcast - Green & White 6
  • 2019-11-21
  • —2019-11-27
  • 17 votes
{'title': 'Big Changes Coming Up! We Need Your Help!', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Movie Challenge Podcast - Yellow & Black', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'The Movie Challenge Podcast - Green & White', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'The Movie Journey Podcast - Yellow & Black', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'The Movie Journey Podcast - Green & White', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 27, 11, 26, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 21, 7, 22, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 17}



Awesome Patrons! As we head into our third year of the podcast (First off, wow.) we find ourselves in need of a few changes to avoid any complications in the future.  

So for starters, the South Park Characters are gone (For the most part).   

On top of that, we need to move away from the 'IMDb' part of our name (We haven't been told too, we just want to take precautionary measures.)   

So we have developed a new logo with several different variations that we want you to vote on to help us decide how we move forward!  

First option: THE NAME: 



Second option: THE COLOUR

1. YELLOW & BLACK (Traditional)

2. GREEN & WHITE (Movie Trailer Style)

Take a look at each artwork and let us know what you think!  

Note: We are NOT changing the premise of the show, everything stays the same except the logo and name 😊

Thanks everyone! 

-Daniel & Dean 


Brian Grabianowski

What about echoing Dean’s faux pas “Top 250 Podcast” from a while back? in all seriousness, while it does rhyme awkwardly Movie Journey seems more original than Movie Challenge, which sounds like a game show.

Julio Olivera Mendoza

I like Movie Journey because it feels like it ties more to your original name. I like the black and yellow color scheme and it’s not like IMDB can get you in trouble for using the same colors (man, if they can, it’s only a matter of time before Rotten Tomatoes comes gunning for me 😁)


We're still considering our options in regards to the name. Many more have been tossed out, it's hard to know what works best. I agree we need to keep the yellow and black colour scheme to have some similarity to our current logo/branding. I can't see imdb having the exclusive rights to the colour yellow haha