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It's Patron Chris's pick for the breakdown this week, and he's gone with Martin Scorsese's 'The Wolf Of Wall Street'. Is it better than Margaret? 😉 Listen on to find out!

Thanks for being a Patron and we hope you enjoy this early access to the podcast!    



Chris Beardsell

Thanks to you guys I got into trouble with my fiance for listening to your podcast while on vacation 😂 I couldn't help myself seen this was my choice of a breakdown, really fun episode and I think you two raised some valid points. I had no idea that a lot of the script was improvised and that blows me away. Just so I'm sure to line it up correctly will Infernal Affairs remain as the next breakdown even though it isn't in the top 250? Again thanks for the quality content guys! 😊


Thanks Chris! As of now I have a new choice for a Top 250 breakdown that I'll bring up on the next ep, So stayed tuned! - H