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Just curiosity xP, it would be nice to know with which animation or pic too



almost every post with your tag on e621, the recent charizard and garchomp pic was what really made me check it out


I joined the Patreon at first to see more of the Sharpedo Bluff animation :3


I followed you on FA a long time ago. I think the animations specifically caught my attention when I was deciding whether to pledge.


oh...I don't remember to be honest. It was definitely e621 though that made me start noticing. But the pic that had me look at the patreon was...a group one with...rathalos, zinogre, nargachua, marshal, and teryx commodore. Its a tough one to explain. Would linking to it be alright? But what sent me over the top no doubt was the Impmon x Calumon animation, and the Gazimon x Patamon picture. And then from there...the gitan art (haven't gotten any in quite awhile). But no doubt about it, the venerable nail in the coffin was the Puzzle and Dragons knight monsters piece. Absolutely phenomenal work ^-^


That's a very good question. I did find you via Furaffinity, but hard to tell which one exactly made me follow/watch you. As much as i love The MH-Artworks, or Spyro's Guardians, i think it was the "and more woof"-titled one with Garurumon. After a while, i made my way to patreon, and stayed till now~ :3


All the pokemon art is what really had me consider donating money to you. No regrets whatsoever on that. I really love your patreon.


Found some of your old art. Went on a friggin quest to find you, like using key words to describe your art, looking for similarities, eventually finding your Patreon. Didn't hesitate to pledge


It's been too long probably e621. Pretty sure the Gomamon animation was the one that got me looking into your art at first. Your 2015 reel definitely sealed the deal in making you my favorite artist. Cute stuff!


Via e621 and those sick Pokemon Pics :P


i found your art and animations fascinating on both FA and e621 but what made me choose to become a supporter was the fun at Shapedo bluff animation , i will continue to support you till the and keep up the amazing work!


Late but I'll answer anyway. The charmeleon and grovyle animation put you on my radar for a while. I bumped a rather pricy artist off my list recently so I decided to finally support your stuff. Rare quality animations, pics and comics at $5 a month!? Heck yeah I'll support that!