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By an emergency i have to move to another house, so i will be packing up this whole week and that takes a lot of time, money and also is very fatiguing, specially with this heat (37°C approx everyday) ;/.

It may delay the Salazzle x Typhlosion animation, if it happens i will be finishing it after i finish my commission queue (February 10 approx).

It is possible that i have to move again on August or September.


Aang Slyver

Hope everything Is ok and get to be ok


No worry, I understand ^^. Had to move on recently too xp. Hope thing will go well to you ^^


Best of luck!


Good luck. Moving so stressful. Hope things go well


Take your time stuff happens dont hurt yourself


I see, like the others have said, good luck with the moving. I really hope that everything is alright.


Safety and Well being is a top priority. Take however long you need. Will still be here when you get back.

Incognito Anonymous

Uh oh. Hope everything's gonna be okay! Best wishes for ya.