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Im really considering using dropbox to share the content, my problems with it, is that if someone shares the link to leak ( as always assholes ruining the good stuff -__-), the link may temporaly shut down due to high traffic (which has hapenned before), and also may get my account banned along with all the content there. Also that will be time consuming to upload all my stuff from 2021 there.
Google Drive isnt an option because nsfw. Suggestions are appreciated, but deffinitely will need something that can handle a big amount of GB for free or low price, and that isnt slow to load stuff.



Only for me was a bit hard cause was the first time supporting someone on Patreon


Drop box is a good option. But another person I remember tries to get past piracy by directly Dming the rewards to everyone, so technically the rewards aren't on patreon for people to pledge for one time and then repost in other places. For added layers of security, you could only DM the latest things too and use additional payment for the older pieces which some people do, or you could DM the art using Dropbox with unique names to the person, so if it does get leaked you actually know exactly who leaked it. These are just suggestions though, and I think Dropbox would be useful for the current problems you have right now


Is there an easy way to get unique names in dropbox without having to upload a different version for each patron considering there are like 400? xD Also yup, the DM is a good idea actually, lets just hope some asshole don't share the link everywhere.

Xaldon Ajide

I prefer the current set up with discord, being the art dump, while patreon controls the tiers and available content.


There are a lot of Patreon members now that I think about it, so even doing tricks to renaming the files sequentially could be time consuming because you have to do it 400 times, so I guess maybe if you uploaded let's say 4 versions with altered names in the metadata and gave 100 each a version and it gets leaked you know one person in a batch is likely to leak and could figure out ways to narrow it down with future posts but that could be exploited I guess. It's a bit of a difficult thing to avoid without literally paying someone to do the grueling work, or making a bot do 400 individual names. I could see the bot idea happening though, like you give it all the patron names in a wordpad folder or something and then it makes unique stuff for all the names in neat folders, but it would still cause the issue of having literally hundreds of folders in your drop box for just one image. So uhh... Yeah it's complicated


Sadly patreon discord bot has been bugged and not working well for several months(like, giving access to people that aren't supporters), and Patreon refuses to fix it :/

Xaldon Ajide

darn, that just sucks. the only other solution is manual editing, and thats pretty time consuming, considering how many people are supporting you, and how long it would take to manually edit their access levels.


Browsing Patreon in general kind of sucks on the Android App. If you decide to use Dropbox, another artist I support uploads password protected zip files, and DMs patrons the password. That might be a huge pain in the ass for you if you have a lot of patrons though.


I remember an artist having its own website with a restricted Patreon access. And I see there is a OAuth provider in Patreon too. Might be a solution ?


And what is with Discord?! You can create closed Groups for 5$ oder 10$ Patreons and post the pictures there. Edit: I see the question is already cleared


The way you compile everything with the monthly folders has been super helpful btw.


There is a content creator called morg he uses a private website you can ask him Mabey on how he does it but other then that I'm fine with what ever you do


I know that cora blue does this. You need a patreon account to log in to the website and see their latest works.

Mattis. Probably.

A different artist I follow recently made the switch to Upgrade.Chat. So everything works through Discord now. U.C isn't free from what I understand but it made sense because they take less than the Patreon cut. It also has the advantage that everyone already knows how Discord works, so they just have to cancel the Patreon subscription and re-sub through Upgrade.Chat. Maybe that's worth a look! :)


Dont want to change my patreon by another site, but will have that in mind if patreon hates me someday xD

Mattis. Probably.

That is understandable since you do have a LOT of followers here X3 Getting over 400 people to make the trasition would be pretty awful. Maybe a Telegram group might be an option? You send a link to everyone with the invitation and only those who have the link can enter. Gives you more control than Dropbox. I find Telegram to be a little clunky to use though...


Na bro if it's tedious thats our problem that we gotta deal with don't risk your own content management with risky 3rd parties and have your worked leaked by idiots