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1- I will be more inactive this year because my university project :c, it's a 5 minutes 3D shortfilm and its very complex to do, but that doesn't mean that i will stop uploading drawings.

2- As i won't have many time to draw pics i don't want leave my FA account very empty for uploading exclusive drawings/animations for patreon, so this patreon will be more like a tip jar, the only exclusive drawings for here will be some doodles that i wouldn't dare to upload publicly xd. But you still can recommend things and receive the other rewards like requesting sketches for +$30 patrons, getting discounts in commissions, etc ;3

3- About the votations, the most voted m/m was Patamon X Gazimon, the most voted m/f is Flamedramon X Garchomp, and the most voted SFW is Ord and Spike from mlp :3. I will finish those before the month ends.

4- And i will try to finish at least one of the WIP animations that i uploaded xd

PS: The image is a WIP of a background that i'm modeling xd




Thats ok take ur time gurl do what u gotta do no rush :3

Duke Maverick

your real life matter than anything else online :)

Christian Ne0L1nk

Well then, good luck with your university project ;)


Are you still going to be taking commissions? Also good luck with your university project!


yep, but only for some specific clients, and i would late much more than usual <:3, but if you are interested in one i may take it


I thought since you are busy you wouldn't take commissions ^^; I keep checking your FA but they are always closed. How am i supposed to use that patreon commission discount? lolol