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First of all, I'm burn out, I will still bring you the 4 monthly comic pages so don't worry about that, I'm just going slower.

My bf's cat passed away yesterday, and I'm not feeling well right now. Additionaly, there is a huge mess happening on Santiago, the city where my family and boyfriend are living, and the whole situation is causing me a huge anxiety.

Sorry for the bad news, but i'm hoping you understand the slow down, the next comic page should be up on the 25th.




Take care, I hope things look up for you soon!


I understand and don't worry about us. Mental Health is important and I don't like seeing my favorite creators burning out like this, so take as long as you need and come back when you feel better. We can wait. Hope everything gets better! ;)


Where is Santiago located?


But of course. As myself and many others have told artist (Luci)TwoMario, you take care of yourself first and foremost. While we do love your art, we value you as a person first, artist second. Take all the time you need. And give my condolences to your bf for his cat


Take care of your self! I hope things get better for you soon.


It happens hope every works out


So sorry to hear that Sify. I hope everything goes better for you!😢

Ashlyn Rose

Please be well, Madam Blitz! You're amazing and we care for you and all your fans could want is your safety, sanity and well being.


We completely understand. You need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Your Family are in my prayers!!


Take the time off in needed you need the rest or relaxation of the time you may need