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Hi, as you know, i got really tired by working on the last comic before the day 18 of the month xD'' it was kinda long to finish on a short lapse of time. For next comics, if they are longer than ''Unexpected Reward'' one (7 pages), i will take 2 months on finishing instead 1, i hope you understand <:3.But don't worry, if you support between these 2 months you will be getting the comic.




Don't worry about it! We understand! You're a human being at the end of the day! BTW this small sketch of you drawing the comic is adorable.

Incognito Anonymous

I completely understand. Whatever it takes to keep these comics from working you too hard. I'm glad you're making this decision~


I understand, between the patreon rewards, the polls, and the comics, that's a lot to do.


As said by others. That is all good! If it takes that long it is understandable. No need to tax yourself. :3


We wouldn't be great fans if we demanded things of you! Take your time Blitz!


I don't mind you taking breaks, you don't want to burn yourself out.


It's important to work at a pace that is sustainable.