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People who vote more than once on the cell shading votations will get their votes deleted.

If you wasn't sure that you already voted just ask me and i will check it, but god, voting 4 times for the same ideas, really? -______-

If you haven't voted yet, you can do it here


(No title)


Incognito Anonymous

Do...people not realize their votes are tracked? :s


Hmm.... not sure if I had voted more... but I will check


You'd think Patreon would have it's own voting system to prevent this kind of thing.


there are some things i dont like of its voting system :/ -Limited ideas to add -Don't have to options to make results private -Can't edit the ideas to correct mistakes or add more once its posted -Can't add images for not well known characters


Ah, dang it, that last one looks like it's probably me. I'm sorry, I don't mean to vote twice :<. a="" again.="" an="" and="" another="" be="" check="" click="" count="" doesn="" don="" double="" e-mail="" even="" for="" forget="" from="" get="" have="" i="" it="" just="" later="" me="" memory="" might="" my="" new.="" not="" occur="" of="" on="" one="" out="" patreon="" people="" pledge="" poll="" saying="" sorry="" terrible="" that="" the="" then="" this="" to="" trying="" up="" vote="" vote.="" when="">


What in the hell happened to my comment. Trying that again. I don't mean to vote twice, it's just that I have a poor memory and when I get an e-mail from Patreon for one of the people I pledge to saying 'Hey, check out this poll', and then another e-mail somewhere down the line saying 'Hey, don't forget to vote on this poll', I kinda just click on it and vote. It doesn't even occur to me the poll might not be new.