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while i work on that Charmeleon x Charizard comic, i will leave you another poll. This will decide which will be the project for the next month. This time is m/m only :3.



This is to hard of a poll..... I voted for a lot of things....


Kinda feels like there's too many different choices. Maybe narrow down the polls a bit?

Incognito Anonymous

Right now, your cellshaded votations don't allow characters from the last votation won to participate. Does that rule not apply for comic/animation votations? I ask because this current comic has charmeleon and one of the votations here has charmeleon again.


Animation votation ideas are just suggested by myself, so nope, that doesn't apply xP. I added that rule because i was kinda tired of drawing spyro characters everymonth.


Agh! So many great options....


Why we have only 3 comic choice. But a lot of interest animations...I wish Flygon X Lugia can be comic...


Because i count with 1 person only that knows how to write a storyboard script -____-. I'm not very good with writings on english.