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Hey everyone, as we do every year, we will be taking some time off from uploading for the holidays in order to give everyone who works on episodes behind the scenes some time to enjoy themselves and to spend with family.

We will be returning to biweekly Patreon uploads on the 13th of January, giving us 2 weeks to relax. We thank you for your understanding.

While the Suckening will return on the 13th with episode 5, Riptide will instead be taking a hiatus for an indeterminate amount of time, but hopefully no longer than about 6 months. We wish to take the time to write and flesh everything out that we need to to conclude the story in a satisfactory way, as we never had the chance to do so when we started the campaign. You can think of this as a Production Hiatus. (There may be something coming on the public channel in the mean time, but we will need some time before that begins.)

The Suckening and any Patreon content will not be affected by this hiatus.  We sincerely appreciate your understanding and hope everyone has happy holidays!





wait, riptide is gonna end soon??? well anyways..happy holidays to everyone!!!


If theres a new main campaign after riptide planned i pray to the gods for charlie to dm it <3


God this campaign is good! Every time I see Gillian and Chip and Jay I end up smiling and I am exited to see the resolution of this story and saddened to know the campaign is close to over.


Man I hope we get a satisfying conclusion to Gillian, I want to see him become this chosen one he's been after for so long and have his moment to do some real actual chosen one shenanigans

the fun police

Love you guys, take as much time as you need, I severely need to catch up on riptide anyhow

Foolproof Mayonnaise

you deserve this! especially considering the insane spike in stakes and imo in quality of the episodes since about right after the feywild, I can only imagine what you'll do with this content given time to really write and give the characters a fulfilling conclusion (and hope that said conclusion involves felipe). happy holidays and thank you for all the incredible stories!


Wait I forgot that riptide like actually had to end eventually, I thought it was just going to go on like forever for some reason and now hearing that it is going to end soon makes me sad as those where the characters that got me into Just Roll With It and d&d in general. So basically, that means if grizzly doesn't end the campaign with a bang, I might kill someone. :>




Does anyone know if there will be episodes this weekend in replacement of riptide? Or will there be no post?


I just realized that 6 months is half a year, bi weekly sucking will be the only thing keeping me sane for the next 5 months and a half


RANDOM 3 am THOUGHT !!! Imagine if Grungus the Goldfish, the one whom Chip and Gillion took out a loan with, used the power granted by this bargain in order to become a leviathan of the undersea.