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The fate of the mortal world lies in the hands of PD and the Heroes of WATCH. Can they stop this great evil and save their friend before its too late?



Controversial option, wiwi is a doggie poopoo character that makes me frustrated


I think that the next episodes going to be the last (or second last) of the season, and during which a couple of main things are going to go down leading us into next season (after the suckening most likely) From other comments, i think i agree that to regain his powers william will probably have to die. I think william wont though, and instead, while trying to defeat the trickster, they will inevitbly kill ash. This would end the season, leaving dakota fully broken, will in despair, and vincent somewhere in the middle, but trying to keep it together to keeo the other two from spiralling. With this, he will start talking to paper man (forgor his name) and he will learn about the afterlife. I think the solo episode on the paper man was a foreshadowing of this perhaps? Vincent will learn that there is in fact an after life, and a way back. This will lead into the group trying to figure out how to get there, and then navigate their way to finding Ash so they can bring him back. During which, i think we would get a lot of devolopment from will, especically since he doesnt even think there is an after life but just a void. Will will find his will to live (metaphorically) (will will will lol) and either reclaim his powers/or die to bring ash back, also reclaiming his powers. But bringing some one back to life has consequenes. Not only will mallard conway either want to stop them or punish them after, but either way he will be likely furious. The only way will could placate mallards anger, is to become the whisperer. The only problem is that mallard conway said heaven and hell has fallen. This leads me to believe that i have no clue in that situation. Perhaps they will still try to go to thd afterlife, only to find it desolate, souls running free, in a kinda power grab kinda place. And only once will takes his powers back can he fix it? Perhaps we will learn how it all collapsed. Perhaps when paper man escaped thats when it happened, and we will see the consequences of those actions too, which will lead paper man to accepting that he is dead, and finally move on, once things are fixed, as he realises the dead shouldnt be brought back. Perhaps he will trade places with ash, believing ash's death to be unnatural/ash isnt fully dead but still in the afterlife, as he didnt die but rather went there when the trickster did? Of course when i say all this i expect it to be in the next season (or possibly even two), with this season coming to a conclusion with the trickster being beat and ash being dead, the group in despair. But idk, just a thought.


BTW Mr. Bizlychannel, if you are looking for good extensions for Souls games (caused I noticed the use of the ds3 main menu theme during the trickster fight) there's this really good channel called tomito that makes really good souls extension


so theories for next episode. for 1 slime said this episode made him cry (he said this in a tweet) so i think 1 one two things are gonna happen 1 tide dies or 2 ash dies. if none of these happen mark or lightspeed might die. or its happy crying and for the first time in months we get a happy jrwi episode. its been about 4 months since a happy episode for both of the main shows AND THIS IS THE ONE TO MAKE CHARLIE CRY!?!!??!?!?! im so scared for this next pd episode dude

Nate Allen

Locusts man came in clutch fr


i cant wait for the next episode! (if anything happens to lightspeed im hacking the mainframe.)


The Ark: Survival Evolved Music when William was saying he didn’t want to slow them down was absolutely perfect


LOL when the ark theme kicks in, it's perfect timing


I dont know how but I hope william dies and comes back as the whisperer. Guy William is so boring at the near "end"