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Dr. Ooze was drawn gracefully by your local piercing queen Wyvern! Please follow and support them, and thank them for all the aid they've given to JRWI.

Thumbnail of the Doctor was of course made by Shan!


SO, designing the doctor actually took me QUITE a while to decide on a concept. MONTHS ago I saw an artist's work by the name of Nitro, who turned an animal into a character design concept. When I saw this, I COULD NOT... EVER... get that face out of my head. THAT was the doctor in my head-canon, that was what he looked like and I just straight up could NOT budge no matter how much I tried or how many references I searched.

Of course, because of my Hunter x Hunter binge, I was very inspired by many fantastic character designs and concepts, and because of that show I decided the Doctor would have two forms, one that was more human, and one more that was more Godlike. The Godlike form directly inspired by Netero (this art is fantastic!! I love the way its been rendered).

I told Wyvern the human form was a "broad and bald man in a purple/black/gold suit, with full black sclera eyes and golden pupils. (black and gold are important Riptide campaign colors. happy coincidence that the reference art from Nitro had them already.)" Then I sent them that reference picture, and described the skin tone has having darker purple undertones. I sent a few other picture references to help show the vibe I was going for, including the Purple Ooze from D&D.

I also very SIMPLY described the god form in ONE sentence, saying it was Buddha inspired with 100 arms and powered by the same plasma Goobleck is made of. I described the idea of having the veins of ooze that crack through his skin.

THATS WHEN WYVERN SENT BACK THE FIRST GOD-LIKE SKETCH OF THE BIG DOCTOR FORM???? THEY CAME UP WITH THE SNAKE STAFF AND EVERYTHING! So, as soon as I saw that sketch, I knew we had a sick boss designed, and the next step was to answer a few design questions Wyvern had.

This was more about the human form, such as the beard style, scars, winkles, the detailing and style of the suit, jewelry, THE CANE, and if a lab coat should be added.

With those questions answered, Wyvern sent back the face, beard, and suit ideas! The coolest shit ever is the cane being based off the Caduceus health symbol, and the usage of snakes. Because of this, I feel like every single villain in Riptide HAS to have some sort of snake in their design LOL. This is also why I went with that suit design, I thought the purple would be too much like the Joker, and I liked how the full black contrasted the skin.

Once the art was basically made, I finished up the Doctor's statblock and made sure the Cane were huge options he had during the fight! That became his signature magical weapon. I of course, because I appreciate you all, have included Doctor Ooze's human form statblock!! As.. you will not... be seeing it used again. :)

It may not be totally balanced, but feel free to use it in your own campaigns! Like every statblock I make, I improvise with it on the fly, changing things as I see fit. Whether that's adding abilities, changing damage, or adding health. I believe I gave him JUUUST a bit more health than he had in the statblock! I needed more time before he changed forms.

If there's anything you’d like me to include in these posts, or if you have any questions about Doctor Ooze, let me know! If its not a spoiler, Ill do my best to answer.

Please look forward to the next break down of a design or concept art process! They may not happen every episode, but I will try my best.

- Grizzly



bullet smart

bruh i didnt even imagine the purple skin until he turned into god, most of that episode i pictured him as the governor from metal gear revengance


LOVE THIS SM, the art process and the explanation of it are so cool, it gives rlly awesome insight into the process


I LOVE the twin snake detail becuase the fact that he has made this plasma that can shift into anything very similar to The God of mischief loki who can shift into anything and who's sign is a twinsnakes


I LOVE that we get to see Grizzly's thought process and the work he put into the bosses, it's super cool


Those rings make him look like Thanos lmao, but this is seriously such a sick design!! I think it’s super cool how you worked the snakes into the character sheet after Wyvern added them If these questions are too much of a spoiler and you can’t answer that’s okay, but does Dr. Ooze himself produce the goo, or does he simply find the ingredients and mix them together? Furthermore, was it his own magic that brought Goobleck to life, or was it an outside force/machine?


GOD GRIZZLY NPCS DO NOT MISS!!!! I'm fucking LOVING these explanations of all the ways you come up with your characters too, it's super neat to see your creative process. Losing my shit over how he almost became the joker, I've had so many villains I've designed and then looked at and realized they look exactly like another villain so I totally get it lmao. His villain form reminds me of the Unbound Hoopa pokemon, I swear I was like the only one who watched that movie lmao. Was Dr Ooze always purple and have the fucked up eyes and skin and shit, or did he used to have a more human form? I love this wacky guy :]

Just Roll With It

Before he injected himself with the Plasma he created, he was definitely more human, but I still imagined him having darker skin with cold undertones and golden eyes. Im so glad you enjoy this and love the character!

Just Roll With It

Dr Ooze is a scientist so he himself has created and combined the elements that create the Plasma, which is then infused with the arcane power from the Archfey. Goobleck was brought to life due to the soul extraction and fusion science that The Doctor was working with and using the Archfey’s power for!! It may not have been specifically the soul of a creature, but the power of the memories in the mind. Those logistics are up to interpretation!


Well clearly I need to catch up on Riptide cause this is fuckin awesome


ABSOLUTELY KILLED IT! Props to Wyvern for this mAGIcal DESIGN


God damm this is a fucking awesome design also i think it would be a very helpful if we could have size reference




There was one in the episode, they came up to his thigh.