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Hey Patrons!


Just rolled with it is a post discussion podcast and contains spoilers from the patreon show so if you're not caught up GO WATCH AND COME BACK WHEN YOU'VE FINISHED!

I sleep




I'm definitely a big fan of seeing all the new locations and how unique each of them feel. Also we need that battle royale episode between the party


All I can hear is Dugong hahaha


My absolute favourite part about all of JRWI is the hilariously silly RP that happens between the characters sometimes, often in the middle of combat. Unrelated, but I would absolutely love to see a Battle Royale between all of you guys’ most important characters, like a 3v3v3


I really enjoy combat because it gets me really hyped, and I love imagining the attacks, and the roleplay during battle is always fun. Plus, combat allows the characters to either be really stupid or really cool, and there's usually a good mix of both!


I love Just Roll With It in general, I do have a bit of a soft spot for the more serious and sad stuff, like the stuff with Br'aad and Sylnan. But that wouldn't hit so hard without everyone on the show having a great time together


I like the puzzles because their characters have to work together


This is probably the best Just Rolled With It. XD You guys are absolutely fucking feral and I love it. My favorite parts of the episodes is definitely roleplay. You guys do it well and it's a treat to listen to. You mentioned dream sequences, I'm a newer DM and let me tell you...my players love dream sequences a ton. I've started trying to start our sessions with dream sequences (if it makes sense) because they get so ridiculously hyped for them. They come with two main problems though, they take time and it's a lot of odd improv for the DM. I have them roll a d20 to decide the nature of their dreams. (good or bad mostly) I personally would absolutely love to see DM Grizzly dream sequences. We also use it as a "eh... it could relate to your backstory and give you ideas if you want it to" character building tool. It's a lot of fun and great improv practice if your group has the time for it.


Man, I love the characters interacting with different NPCs particularly ones they know. Chip and Lizzie interactions are some of my favourite and old man Earl is the best. It's also so relieving to see character development for Chip, it just makes me so proud of him.




chip in just rolled #42: i wanna make some changes to my appearance. ep 43 of the campaign: literally loses a finger


i like roleplay and my fave kinds of ones are actually when they're at sea doing dumb shit


I love the roleplay and character interactions, and sincerely adore Grizzly’s descriptions and world building. Contrary to others I am weak to angst, but I do enjoy the downtime and the fights! In terms of story I really like it when things allude towards a backstory, or something from someone’s backstory becomes more prominent, or we just find something out in general (I like to try connect the dots, even though most of the time I am extremely far off :’) ). But JRWI in general has been such a refreshing experience for me, I’m super in it for the whole ride!