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New tablet arrived so I tried drawing a quick art to get used to it but its not really vibing with me. Probably gonna wait a few more days after my pen replacement arrives and I go back to my old tablet.

Not sure if any other artist feels the same but I really dont like any changes to my work environment, it HAS TO be the same settings, same environment, same hardware and software. Otherwise it just doesnt feel right and getting used to it is gonna be painful. That's the main reason why I havent switched over to CSP yet.

Pretty sure you guys dont really see it but drawing this illustration is really painful to me right now, the strokes arent what i wanted it to be, the way i have to hold the pen in order for it to draw how i want it to is different which makes my hand hurt pretty badly, it just feels different which is i suppose pretty normal when youre using different gear. But yeah, if you specifically look at the lineart, you can tell that its really bad compared to the previous illustrations. thats because drawing cleaner and more precise lineart is really difficult for me right now with that new tablet.




i had my pen break a while ago as well and i tried my old tablet and it just did not feel right and i couldn't work like that