Fauna & Mumei Riding Train WIP (Patreon)
Usually I have a backlog of finished art I can post on Twitter & Patreon/Fanbox so I can take days off when I don't have time, working on commissions or have artblock. Problem is I'm about to run out of them very soon TIME TO PANIC (゜Д ゜≡ ゜Д゜)
Also that's supposed to be like part 2 of "Daily life of highschool Mumei" and as of now I have no plans on making part 3. I guess it depends on how well the 2 illustrations are received which I doubt they will.
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このPatreon/Fanboxで問題に遭遇したり、改善の提案がある場合は、こちらからお知らせください: https://forms.gle/DQ8TcjAVT7Xqo3DN6
30% Extra Fee from Apple / iOS Patreon App:
Starting November 2024, everyone who subscribes to me on Patreon via the iOS app will get charged an extra 30% fee on top of the regular price that goes directly to Apple and none to the creator or the service! This applies to every creator in Patreon and the extra iOS fee also applies to pretty much any app that sells digital goods on the apple store as well such as YouTube, Facebook, Spotify etc. That's why, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE ON MOST APPS VIA iOS.
Apple/iOS Patreonアプリの30%追加料金:
2024年11月から、iOSアプリを通じてPatreonで私をサブスクライブする場合、通常の料金に加えて、Appleに直接支払われる30%の追加料金がかかります! これはPatreonのすべてのクリエイターに適用され、また、Apple Storeでデジタル商品を販売するほぼすべてのアプリ(YouTube、Facebook、Spotifyなど)にもこの追加料金が適用されます。 そのため、iOS経由でほとんどのアプリにサブスクライブしないようにしてください。