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I have just been notified by one of you guys of another smear campaign against me on twitter. Since I have quite a few of you guys here now, I feel the need to address it again... I have been dealing with these non stop baseless accusations for months now and I am really annoyed. People have been constantly accusing me of my drawings being AI, botting likes on my posts, me being another artists...It's genuinely crazy. I have posted full timelapses of my drawings, yet they are still not enough, even If they are the most legit timelapses a person could do. I am attaching those said timelapses here for people who might not have seen them previously. That's it for now. Thanks for the support.



Hey man, sucks to see it happening, honestly. What will shut these guys up for sure is if you post a project file of your drawing. That would deplete their last bit of ammunition.


That would not do anything, since I do not use many layers while I draw and I merge them as I go, all of these things can be seen in the timelapse. If I were to give them the file, all they would see is a png. Am I suppose to force-fake my work flow and keep all the layers to appease the people who can not be appealed to, even when they see the full 8+ hour process?


Nah, if your workflow is the way it is, then it is the way it is. I think you've solidly disproven any AI-ccusations and the standouts are just really stubborn idiots that won't be pleased.

Héctor Ledesma

They’re just haters trying to ruin your work, man We love your art and we trust in you!! Keep it going, bro!!


Fuck them haters !!!!!


You make amazing art. I dont care what anyone says! Keep up the great work :)


twitter will always have bitter people that hate on everything, dont let it get to you bro your work is awesome


Aye, if you’re getting that much attention, then obviously you’re doing something right lol. But seriously tho, don’t let these people get to you. Your work is amazing bro 👏

Ren Geno

Sorry to hear, man. I absolutely get the hate for AI art and how bad it is, but to be accusing people like you, when you’ve proved time and time again that you’re legit, is sad to see. I hope you’re dealing with this well


@aycee There's literally no reason to actively engage with negativity on Twitter. If I spent time learning to draw and was proud of my work, only to upload it and have self-righteous morons tear it to shreds and accuse it of being AI, I would block them immediately too. You are delusional if you think what you're doing isn't toxic. What impression does it give to wannabe artists when a creator they like the art of is accused of AI and then told that they have to change their artstyle because they think it looks weird? Get the fuck out of here. Also, plenty of artists paywall their NSFW stuff. See RaionArt and jeminix2. It's surprisingly common, and your ignorance of this is very telling.