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>>> There are no meshes pre-built. Create them first in BodySlide <<< 

>>> you need the high heels system <<<


- Hot Uniforms Nurse Outfit HHS


- Heels HHS x 8

- Stockings x 9

- Hot Pants x 8

- Bra x 8

- Dress x 10

- Cap x 10

- Full ESP-ESL Files

1. BodySlide 

2. fix Clipping by your self in Outfit Studio


1. with the Nexus Mod Manager, or  

2. copy the files in the Data folder  

how to get this in Game: 

1. you can craft it in the Chem Station, or  

2. use the IN-GAME ESP Explorer, or  

3. open the .nif in Outfit Studio and save it in another Outfit that you have.

Hot Uniforms Nurse 




I'm really enjoying your mods but Is there any way you could make it so I could change the colors in the armor workbench? It's kind of a hassle to convert multiple pieces of the same clothing to FG. Otherwise really enjoying these so far.


Unfortunately no, I have decided to have all parts always with me to be able to combine everything at any time. It's a bit of a hassle to do everything at the chem station, but what do you mean, how stupid it is to change over a thousand things. I have over 6000 parts always with me, lol :)


Beuat Work