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Hi, guys! I don't think you need my tutorials because it's basically Draw until it looks like something, but I can share with you my favourite brushes

I use 3 brushes:

 Fountania Soft - for sketching and lineart

Hard Round Brush for coloring

and sometimes Wet Blender to soften the edges of shades and highlights.

And I also love to create all that warm glowing light with a simple Soft round brush  ( any airbrush would work)  in  Soft Light layer mode. 

Try it, it'll give a really nice touch to your art. You'll see XD

Here are some mer!Qui examples

p.s. I also draw in Easy Paint Tool Sai2. I don't know if you can tell the difference. I use one basic brush with custom settings for everything. You can see how it looks on that "I said strawberries" line, it's hard and square and really comfortable for the quick comic-style sketches

You can download the brushes below this post, in attachments

I hope you'll find this post helpful or/and interesting!

Feel free to ask any questions😋❤




I am losing it over "blah blah NO" in the comic strip 😂 Obi-Wan's not taking any shit. The light effects in the mermaid ones are so beautiful. This process stuff is so interesting.


Yes! It was just a two piece strip at the start😂 Obi-wan politely asks for the gift and when he hears BLAH BLAH IM OLD BLAH BLAH NO he's like THEN YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT MINE😣🔥


Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for this; I'm honestly so touched by the amount of effort you've put into this. I know I've already said this, but you are my favourite artist, and to have your help and your tips means the world to me. Thank you so, so much. Please know you've motivated the hell out of me with this! <3


I am very glad, that you find it useful🥰❤ I want to provide any help I can, dear! Your support is equally important to me🙏 You can share you social media, i would be happy to follow you back❤