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Hey everybody! With July just around the corner, I wanted to give you all a couple of important announcements regarding the future of this page!

1. Comic Votes -

Beginning at the end of July, comic votes will begin taking place 2 weeks in advance! Why? Because as I have (hopefully) gotten better at producing comics, an issue has slowly but surely cropped up: lead time. Where before I could pop something out in a day, now my comics can sometimes take much longer, and the last thing I want to do is compromise the quality of the product in order to meet a deadline for you all!

Beyond that, I have also been inundated with commissions lately, which is not a bad thing for sure! However, I want to ensure that those are also completed in a timely manner. Ideally less than a month's time for longer commissions, and less than 20 days for shorter ones.

So what does this mean for you? Very little, really! The only change you will notice is that at the end of July, we will be having 2 comic vote simultaneously in order to decide the first two comics of August in advance! Beyond that, votes will continue on as normal. You will still get 4 confirmed comics a month including a 100 page or longer comic! None of that will change!

2. New Patreon Tier -

In the next month, I will be launching a new Patreon tier. This will be the new highest tier, marketed at $10. Please understand that the introduction of this new tier will have NO IMPACT on your benefits as a $1, $3, or $5 Patron!

So, what will you get with this tier? While things are subject to change, and will be finalized during the launch of the tier, these are the currently planned benefits:

Firstly, as the highest tier, you will have access to text-less versions of all my comics before they release (Beginning with The Cultural Exchange). The text-less versions will release anywhere from 1 day to 3 days before the actual comic is released, giving you exclusive access to the comic for that period of time.

Secondly, you will have exclusive access to 1 comic per month of your choosing! The content will be decided by you and the final product will be exclusive to $10 Patrons. Again, it is important to note that THIS WILL NOT IMPACT PREVIOUS TIERS.

Overall, I'm excited to continue to grow and develop this page with you all, and I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!




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