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Hey y'all! Back with this week's comic, and honestly, I am super happy with the result! I love fantasy settings, but they are honestly so much harder to do than modern settings! I really love the way they turn out though, although I would love to know what y'all think!

The next comic vote will be out tomorrow! Please look forward to it!

As a reminder, next weekend there will be NO COMIC as June has 5 Saturdays not 4! I look forward to releasing the next comic on the 15th! (Although you can probably expect a smaller passion project from me at some point between now and then!)

Thanks as always,





It would be cool if what happens in the epilogue could be rendered or show up in a future project.


I think some of these comics would work better if pages were combined more often like page 4, it makes it feel a bit too drawn out and padded when it's just a tiny speech bubble and then the next page is almost an identical view. This stood out a lot more this time around given how abrupt the change was. It would also be nice to see the characters physically interact a little more As they're often just standing looking at one another.