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Animated R34

Okay, listen. Been killing myself with the cunt-punt animation >__< so I'm a little delirious as I write this

Regarding the Bulleta footjob anim - meh. No one seemed interested. It's canceled for now. Enjoy the render though. If interests return, then I will resume work on it!

Regarding the Gwen wip - Since this was unpaid, meaning a fellow artist slaved me into doing this, it'll be on hold for now, until I finish the other paid stuff and the V-Day anim.

About the Soles poll - Results:

So y'all want this hoe again...fine (I joke). I'll be more than happy to render her soles up for you! She'll probably have a special guest this time around. Also this poll here, I'll be doing Sage for the DeviantArt fans as well! Just a heads-up.

Lastly, I posted my commissions pricing and information on DeviantArt. If you're interested. I said comms are closed now, so I don't open those floodgates just yet. I need to file my taxes before I can 100% focus on knocking out commissions and my apartment complex is trying to give me the boot! After I decide where I want to live, I'll be opening commissions! Oh, and forgot to mention that I'll be doing more ryona works soon. I've been stifling it a while. I didn't think anyone liked it when I started back in 2011, and now it seems that everyone is like me now. :\ Go figure. References here.

Animated PP

The Gwen anim was on hold a while for the Valentine's Day anim, but I intend to post some works soon. You voted for Elise last time, so this time I will use someone else. Or would you rather I poll that? I was just going to put a girl in some heels. You like heels, right? Right?!

ADR - I'll poll this sometime, but I think most of you would like this: Asobi Reckless Driving re-render. I wanna ask first because while re-renders are great, so are new animations. However, so many of you that signed-up are fans of this animation and have actually come to know my animation work from this particular animation, and I would love to give it all the love and attention it deserves in an updated one! Just a thought though, lemme know!

Live Action Tiers

What up? You know the drill: passwords, updates and pedal pumping videos! Passwords and links have been updated and sent via messages, including your free video (Tiers 1 and 4).

Tiers removed - Tiers 2 and 3 were removed because no one cared for them. If you want access to those, you'll have to go up to 4, 5 or 6 to gain access to all them thangs.

It's been horribly cold in AZ. Girls are going to wearing some hose this month I guran-damn-tee it, but if you're not into hose, then I'll have to have the interior hotter than a blast furnace! We're a little tight on commission work at the moment, but commissions for live action pedal pumping is always open, provided you like the women work now. Most of them go into hibernation, so these are the slow months. Just FYI.

Raw tier info - I sent you a personal message about super-secret and special works I've been doing. If you're interested, email me directly, so we can talk about getting you access! Cheers!

Animated in live - So I asked: "As a consumer of predominantly live action pedal pumping content, do you appreciate or would like to continue to get benefits of the animated r34 and pp tiers?"

Not many votes. I'm assuming it goes either way for the rest of you. Anyway, I'll be discontinuing animated tier benefits to the one Schmoo that didn't want it. Just wanted to update you on that.

That's it! Thank you so much for your monetary support! Y'all don't talk much, but I assume that's a complement because you're too busy doing other stuff with my works D: Cheers! Take care.


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